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Everything posted by RoryPlog

  1. Hey Roopy. I'm still getting mild, almost like tension headaches. It's nothing earth shattering for me, just wish it would go away. The good news for me is that I have only had two migraines since I started quitting and for me that is a huge victory. Glad your still doing good with this
  2. Thanks for remembering Lin. I didn't know what to do. I waited patiently for a few answers and I googled which no one should ever do when it comes to health care. The board went down and I sort of froze. I think I took a pill that night and then just stopped (that would be Friday night and it is Monday morning now). The weekend (I was working) was a little surreal. I had to fight down a bit of anxiety (or whatever you want to call it). On a funny note, I likely checked to see if the board was back up every half hour or so. I'm not sure exactly what is going on, whether I'm fighting the champix withdrawl (cold turkey), in parallel with a bit of 'quit smoking remorse'. Or if I'm just working myself up into a frenzy for nothing. I know I feel odd, or out of sorts, head ache (mild like a hum and a bit of pressure), appetite is off (stomach feeling odd), but I also know that having a smoke will not make that better. I am done work in just over a week for about six weeks. I am looking forward to just chilling out, maybe going to see a doctor, and playing with my dogs while I wait for spring. Peace R
  3. Hello all and thanks for hosting us folks that were drifting in the cyber void that was our previous quit smoking board. It was strange how important the board was to me once I realized it was gone. I had asked what I thought was an important question and then *poof* I couldn't get back into the board. This started me on a bit of a weird 'champix withdrawl' induced tailspin over the weekend. I did not relapse, but I found it very disconcerting not having my outlet (the board) available to me, almost made me feel a little lost. I see some familiar faces filter over, and having read a little of the board, I feel that this 'new' home is going to be just fine. So thank you in advance for the warm welcome and the patients that you'll extend to us 'newbies' as we find our way around. Peace R
  4. Hello.......(taps the mic)..........is this thing on........(tap..tap..tap)

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