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Everything posted by catlover

  1. Top secret
  2. NOPE.....
  3. congrats on being 11 month smokefree ...?
  4. Congratulations Martian on 11 Months...?
  5. NOPE....
  6. Always
  7. butter ball
  8. Wow 11 months of freedom is brilliant, almost there.. ?
  9. Congratulations CAquitter, 9 months is amazing ??
  10. Congratulations Fab, can you see your ship on the horizon? not long now ?
  11. NOPE....
  12. Thank you all, and Jo no worries, I was super proud to be 10 months today, so raced ahead..... lol. I know this next 2 months will go super quick, as the last 4 have fled!!!! Just wondering if there is a forum/quit train for popcorn addiction!!!!
  13. NOPE...
  14. Way to go Linda, 4 months is amazing....Celebrate and spoil yourself.
  15. Thanks Jillar..
  16. Thanks Jo, its so good to be here at last. Yep still loving those family share bags of popcorn.....its just that I don't share them lol..... I say I wont buy more, then can't resist once in the shop lol. ah well beats that vile addiction of smoking ?
  17. off centre
  18. ?I'm in double figures yayyy
  19. Congrats Albert 8 months is Fantastic ?
  20. NOPE.... definately not on my 10th month Anni ?
  21. Talk show
  22. NOPE......
  23. NOPE.....
  24. Just back in from shopping, going to make some soup, then make a start on getting the christmas decorations out. I need to get in the festive mood...
  25. Congrats Jo on arriving at the Lido deck..... wooohoooooo you did it ..... Lay back and bask in your own awesomeness Thank you for all you do here, you truly are an inspiration to us all ((hugs))

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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