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Everything posted by Sslip

  1. Sslip

    A to Z TV Shows

    You cheeky sod!
  2. Congratulations Boo! 2 years smoke free is a magnificent accomplishment.
  3. Sslip

    Game *The Food Game*

    yoghurt coated honeycomb (delicious, moreish and playing havoc with my waistline)
  4. False .... I will try anything with the exception of brain and tripe. Liver is okay, kidney I don't really like. TPBM has had a go at stone skipping in the last year
  5. False .... unless you count the internet. I need to give it a go though. TPBM likes leftover takeaway food for breakfast?
  6. That's not in our area. They've gone for the fags and booze. Our looting would be next door. Have you seen the price of avocados these days since the world went mad for avocado toast?
  7. Jo, you do what you need to do, but please know that you have friends that are here for you. If there is anything I can do to help in some small way let me know. Okay, here comes the difficult bit, trying to give some advice I hope may help. Take what you will and trash the rest and if I say any thing out of line please know it is with best intentionsin mind. I say this because I know that I've had a bloody easy time of it because I have the easier time of it with father/daughter relationships. First up, you are not your mum. Many of us have a tendency to judge ourselves harshly and believe others see all our self perceived faults. It may sound like I'm blowing smoke up your arse (please forgive the phrasing, it's neither literal, nor am I smoking at the moment - you've been so instrumental in that), but you are awesome. If you can't see that at the moment, give it time and look again. Ask your friends around you back home or on the boards here and they will tell you the same thing as I have. Don't ever doubt it! As for the kid. There's no sugar coating it I'm afraid, there is going to be tough times. I will promise you, just as people here promise us, it does get easier. You can't be responsible for how she behaves, only your reaction to it. I only have a couple of suggestions for now. If you can write down how proud you feel and will always feel of her and you can write down how much of a miracle she is and you can add how much you love her no matter what she says to you, do it and make copies (you know a split second reaction can ruin paper ). Also let her know that you will never do anything to deliberately hurt her, but you will maintain discipline and guess what you are human, we are all imperfect and will sometimes get things wrong. Don't compare yourself to her dad and don't compare your relationships. She should love him and feel safe with him, no matter what. It sounds like she has a pretty fantastic relationship with your dad as well and he sounds pretty special, it may be worth him telling her how much you love her if he is comfortable to do so. Sorry this is long winded, but the second piece of advice is to occassionally let her stumble and fall when it comes to homework or whatever else she is dealing with. Let her know when she does, it might suck briefly, but that is not failure, that is experience. The only failure is not trying. Anyhow I'm rambling. Always feel free to talk with me, but look after you first and foremost. Big hugs to my third favourite Aussie (come on you have no chance up against Warney and Adam Hills - sorry not going to lie to you). Take care of yourself and once again holler loud if there is anything I can do that may help in any way.
  8. Are you calling Queen Beazel of Pandora a scaredy cat?
  9. Queen Beazel of Pandora are you ready?
  10. Don't all animals have racing names as well?
  11. Floppsy are you ready?
  12. Does it matter that the bunny has home court advantage?
  13. who would win in a race around your sofa between you and beazel?
  14. and out come oranges and sunshine I put in oysters and champagne
  15. So behind your sofa is not a great hiding place?
  16. If she's there don't alarm her will you?
  17. does your cat not hide behind the sofa when it can't escape?
  18. lunge
  19. has beazel gone into hiding?
  20. Sslip

    The Question Game

    False (first one being fred trueman) TNP prefers fiction to non fiction
  21. piece
  22. and out comes a large starbucks coffee i put in party poppers

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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