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Everything posted by Sslip

  1. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  2. What has Jo ever done to label her a nut?
  3. The thing is that you cannot force him to quit, sounds like his sneaking out is because he doesn't want to feel like a failure. Hopefully it at least means he is cutting down. And if he is it is because you are showing him the way. Smoking doesn't assist anxiety by the way, it only ever makes it worse, the only thing it does is satisfy the addiction. And right now I bet you could do without the added anxiety of nicotine playing havoc with you. You can, I really mean it, you can get clear of that anxiety for ever. It can be one less thing that weighs heavy on you. Keep pushing, focus on you, focus on your quit. Don't try to take on the world right now.
  4. And @christine 12 we are really proud of the fight you are putting up right here, right now. Stick with us. Be that person who shows your family the way!
  5. Right, tell you what, forget financial for a moment. My kids are all grown up, but they are super proud that I have finally managed to stay a few months quit. My granddaughter is so pleased I have so much more time for her. My mum (she's getting on a bit now) is delighted that I'm finally looking after myself right. Would your kids feel that kind of pride for what you're doing?
  6. Financial reasons doesn't really register with the nicotine addicted mind though, we find ways around it. There are many reasons to quit. How old is your daughter?
  7. @christine 12 the nicotine gum is fine, it is just an aid to take the edge off, it's a support tool that many of us, myself included, have used to quit. Are you using a piece now?
  8. @christine 12are you quitting cold turkey? And have you perfected the breathing exercises and remembered the ice cold water?
  9. That's a good reason, start with that. There are many, many more positives though, I can promise you that as you get further along the line. Is there anything else giving up does for you? (And by the way you keep doing well to get through those first couple of days, don't consider that a failure, but let's help you turn doing well into doing great!)
  10. Christine, you can do this. Focus, why do you want to give up cigarettes? WHY is this important to you? You can get through this! Keep talking to us!
  11. So you weren't referring to that other Aussie great, Cate Blanchett?
  12. Hush
  13. (whoopsie daisy) Redden (as in blush - I think that fits)
  14. Code
  15. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    **** sucker (it was blood right?) **** ring (changed my mind and thought it might be toe) **** piercing (ear?) **** tail (no i've got it fan)
  16. Salon
  17. Fastener
  18. 4
  19. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  20. Sslip

    Rhyming Words Game

    Fountain Blank

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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