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Everything posted by Sslip

  1. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    Love struck
  2. 7 hope you have your feet up now fluffy
  3. Swim time
  4. How many people do you think can put their feet in their mouth?
  5. I'd simply be impressed, is it something you can do?
  6. Twin
  7. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    friends forever
  8. Are you admitting to being able to get one foot in your mouth Weegie?
  9. Tradition restored Weegie leads haiku once more All's right in the world Loved ones memories Meant Beazel paid a visit How appropriate
  10. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    absent minded
  11. Boat
  12. Bared
  13. The last person I saw do it was 2 at the time. Is it unusual for anyone older?
  14. Star
  15. Who doesn't bite their toenails?
  16. 5 ... Why are you melting fluffy?
  17. Sslip

    Rhyming Words Game

    Castle Ramparts
  18. 3
  19. Do you not give him permission to bite his nails?
  20. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    Child like
  21. Maybe they are less malevolent?
  22. Were those your words Jo? Are you suggesting that I'm being sneaky when I had never heard of ASIO?
  23. I'm not sure whether Jo is threatening you or Fluffy, but certainly one of the Wee sisterhood don't you think?
  24. Breaking Dawn part one. Specifically part one. I was dragged along to them all, but at the end of this one was a true WTF moment. Cynical spinning out of a story to cash in.

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