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Everything posted by Sslip

  1. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  2. NSJ 3 4
  3. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  4. Ren, Really glad to see you here. I have no opinion on what you have done, only what you're aiming to achieve. You're with us, that's good. You're committed, that's good. You posted a SOS at the time, that's good. So the next bit is just advice, take it or leave it it's up to you. You talk about self harming in the context of not looking after yourself properly. That is something you do not have to work out for yourself if you don't want to. Talking therapies are very effective if you can be open and honest. I don't know whether the relationship you have with other recreational drugs hinders your ability to stay quit, but it's something that you may want to consider. Final piece of advice is if you can spot where you are a little earlier in the cycle, get the SOS out sooner, when it's a little less frantic. It may help and not be such a distance to come back from the edge. Anyway, whatever, here for you when you need and proud of your progress and your strength both in the SOS and coming back here today. Be kind to yourself.
  5. Congratulations on 8 months quit Barry! Be great to see you, drop by briefly when you get a chance.
  6. Congratulations on 3 months smoke free Seren!
  7. Wow, hidden talents galore. I'm glad you're feeling solid enough to pick this up again Beazel. What a wonderful thing for you and your husband to do and great to hear about it.
  8. I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
  9. This one didn't seem to get underway much, but to kick off the covers. Heartbeats - José Gonzalez
  10. 3
  11. Sslip

    Game *The Food Game*

    Pumpkin bread
  12. Sslip

    A to Z TV Shows

    Quick Before They Catch Us
  13. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    Record breaking
  14. ^^^ Love the jelly belly drinks, particularly the cherry. Wibbly Wobbly Wonder
  15. Polygon (a bird has departed parrot fashion)
  16. Sslip

    Rhyming Words Game

    Factor Mathematics
  17. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    14 .... Morning quittrain peeps, hope everyone is well!
  18. Nope!
  19. Perfect GITW, boring or not, it is a powerful tool. State your intention and stick with it for 24 hours. That can't be that much of a massive deal can it?
  20. Sslip

    A to Z TV Shows

    Only connect. You want to test your mind, then give this a try. I take no responsility if you choose to smash up your own television. ******* impossible!
  21. Sslip

    Trying again

    Christine, glad to see you again. Have you made that list of everything this means to you to be a non-smoker. Please plan and set yourself up with all the best tools available to you.
  22. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    1 ... Hi Imfree, welcome on board. Hope you're settling in well. When you get a chance pop into intros and say hi. You'll get lots of support and help if you seek it out. Hope to see you around.
  23. Oh for heavens sake you two! 1 Lie. 2. True. Although the pork was more about the crackling. 3. True. The man who doesn't have the fifth pudding is the man who finds rhubarb unacceptable. Let me work out the next 2 and 1.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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