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Everything posted by Sslip

  1. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    boat builder
  2. five
  3. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    8 ... Good day all
  4. Okay so this is a way back photo. I grew up a 5 minute walk from the Lido (or a 90 second run for a young kid). Summers, for the princely sum on 10 pence, were mostly spent down the pool. Sad to say this is the same place today.
  5. Hey Dutchess, whatever the celebration, it's a good one and deserves to be marked. Congratulations on your awesome quit!
  6. On the jokey side, believe me it's not a foot up the bum you have to worry about. Joking aside, the manner of the test must depend where abouts in the world you are, but whatever, while not in my top 10 experiences it is no big deal. So to end the week, take care of yourself lads! And to smoking, just Nope!
  7. Well I said last one, but sometimes I forget how lucky we are living close by to London. The south bank again probably about another half mile to a mile east of the St Paul's photo. This is Tower Bridge with the Tower of London in the background.
  8. Last one for tonight. A walk along the south bank of the Thames is pretty cool. With the houses of parliament in the background. And probably about half a mile along looking in the other direction Blackfriars Bridge with St Paul's Cathedral in the background.
  9. ^^^ Some cool beaches you have there Jo. Moving into London and buildings I used to walk past on a daily basis for around 25 years The Bank of England and Royal Exchange buildings are both pretty spectacular.
  10. The beach is great, the water leaves a little to be desired
  11. As we are finishing up the cakes Snot Block Space Cake and to finish off a lovely Swiss Roll
  12. No Bagpuss, but I'm not having you slagging off the Clangers. They never hurt nobody Fluffy!
  13. Petit Fours And we are including Queen Elizabeth cake just because.
  14. @jillar your home looks awesome. Loving the home topic. It's about an hour away from us, but this is "The" seaside resort for me. First memory of the seaside I have with my parents and grandparents. Broadstairs
  15. And our beautiful home ground
  16. St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury And the replacement lime tree inside the boundary
  17. Watching V for Vendetta
  18. Fizzie, huge congratulations on your quit and good to hear from you on your thoughts after 4 years of freedom.
  19. Why can't it be like Galloway's cough medicine?
  20. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    20 20 20

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