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Everything posted by Sslip

  1. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  2. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  3. Sslip

    True or False

    False - fairly standard fare, looking forward to it but nothing out of the ordinary TNP has vacation coming up in the next month?
  4. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  5. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    12 — hey DD, morning, how's things?
  6. Sslip

    True or False

    False - I will probably catch some highlights, but don't watch any of the tours live. TNP thinks Le Tour gives a good impression of France?
  7. You can but would you want it to be your house he is incarcerated in? Are there any homeless Eskimos?
  8. Mash up swede
  9. Is the what the wee's should be looking for when he heads up to Scotland?
  10. Sslip

    True or False

    False - plans for a nice weekend but not particularly big TNP will watch the Wimbledon finals this weekend?
  11. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  12. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    10 double figures
  13. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    9 - Not as impressive as @Wee fluffy me 's 8 Reci, but a very good day to you!
  14. Sslip

    True or False

    False - I have read some words in a couple of books, but not properly settled into either yet. TNP has listened to music this week?
  15. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    Steady (as she) goes
  16. Sslip

    True or False

    False and there's nobody that can prove that I have TNP can help tell me which part of the previous question I answered false to?
  17. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    Lucky 7 Morning peeps
  18. Babs huge congratulations on 6 years smoke free, that's a superstar quit!
  19. Nope!
  20. Fantastic work Sneaky, congratulations and keep it going!
  21. The reason I was looking at the contrast between the stance on cigarettes and alcohol is that the official statistics for alcohol in the UK (just because they are easier for me to access and I know which sources are trustworthy) are fairly mindblowing. People categorized as dependent drinkers 600,000 Hospital admissions >1,000,000 in a year Violent crime 700,000 where alcohol was a contributing factor Financial cost > £20 billion Deaths tens of thousands a year Now personally, this doesn't trigger me to want to ban it, but I wondered where the line is drawn. Bringing it back to the smoking cessation, I am genuinely interested in the best approaches and though the next bit may be a controversial it isn't intended. Let's call smoking out for what it is and that is self harm. Now regardless whether it is tobacco or another substance or another act, you are not going stop that. It could be argued over the short term at least that smoking could be one form of self harm that people could recover from relatively well if the right education and support structures are available. In the meantime I have to admit I am uneasy with the role anti tobacco measures play in further impoverishing those affected. Each of us in our own way is recognising the need to eliminate the demand. If you don't manage to do that and have no legal supply then that void will be filled by organized crime. Any and all profits there is a threat to society and the ties between organized crime and terrorism is certainly documented by European Law Enforcement. In terms of the suggestion of a license to purchase tobacco sitting alongside regular education on the subject, my vision would be to have the likes of the late, great Terrie Hall really hammering home the gamble being taken. I'm not sure anyone could have left one of her talks with anything other than a real wakeup call. You get people making their own minds up that they want nothing to do with tobacco rather than force them into it. Thanks for the recommendation, I will check out the book.
  22. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    What was that 3 minutes from 0 to 20? I've had cars that are slower!
  23. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  24. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  25. Sslip

    chicks or sticks


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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