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Everything posted by Sslip

  1. Sslip

    True or False

    True ... And two that are older (between me and my wife) TNP has owned a European car?
  2. Sslip

    True or False

    ^^^ Give us some fortune cookies back or at least crack one open for me and tell me what my outlook is @jillar True ... not fully, but picked up some bits and pieces in China Town in London TNP has made Asian food from scratch?
  3. (Evelyn always plays percussion) It's every sister P.S - **** I've just realized that using Evelyn Glennie as an example of why percussion is better may not be a compelling argument)
  4. Sslip

    True or False

    ^^^ You're right they deserve your loyalty for that False ... we don't really get Thai take outs (I know, really backward here aren't we) TNP has had a fortune cookie in the last year? (I want to know what has happened to all the bloody fortune cookies, I haven't seen one in ages)
  5. Evelyn never trumpets
  6. Sslip

    True or False

    False .. the groceries come to us TNP gets their food shopping from the same place every week
  7. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  8. Sslip

    Phrase Connect Game

    Cream of the crop at the top of the heap
  9. Edvard Munch's The Scream
  10. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  11. You're doing superbly well Farmgirl, 7 months is a great quit!
  12. It's great to see a nice, positive update like this and way to go on your quit! I bet those holidays have been great.
  13. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  14. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  15. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    1 Sounds like London on steroids and with sun!
  16. Jackie, good to see you here. Glad to see you jump back on the train and it matters not whether you're in your 40s or as most good people are in your 50s, it's always a good time to call it quits on the smoking front. Settle back in and hope to catch you around.
  17. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  18. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  19. Wow that's an unexpectedly smart question. To be or not to be?
  20. Sslip

    True or False

    False - Been past it a few times on the Staten Island ferry but never actually visited (Is it worth a trip?) TNP has been to the Empire State?
  21. Xylophones irritate some
  22. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    17 Hey Tammy, not bad thanks, how goes Mumbai?
  23. ^^^ ooh, look at you with your posh Ayrshire ways. Cocktails at your party. Jellies
  24. China - I'd worry more about playing football and catch with the kids. Well I say catch, it's really more throwing the ball at them.
  25. Sslip

    The Last Game

    Last month at a LGBT charity event. I didn't win. Nothing new there. Who gave the last speech that moved you?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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