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Everything posted by Sslip

  1. Hey there catlover. 6 months quit is such an awesome achievement and I'm so proud of your milestone today! It's great to be on the train with you my friend. I see one of your friends may not be so amused with one aspect of your quit, but I doubt the furry little one begrudges you a treat. A tip though, you are allowed to share with a cute little one like this. So maybe today just kick back, have a treat that's a little less healthy for a change and celebrate this huge day well my friend.
  2. The day has finally come. Fluffy, I am proud and so very happy for you. Right from the outset you have been an ever constant for me in my quit with enormous encouragement and friendship. It is a joy to be following in your footsteps. I hope today has been everything you could have wished it to be and you have celebrated well. As a teenager in the eighties I'm afraid I've had to go low res. Not sure as a younger lass that you'll recognise this, but it's all we used to be able to afford Here's to many more anniversaries!!!
  3. Congratulations tocevoD on 7 months quit. Keep on putting your best foot forward.
  4. Huge congratulations on 7 months quit Fab, you are nailing this!
  5. When your cards are marked. What's the price for freedom?
  6. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  7. Amen to that and huge congratulations Fluffy. As for me, I dont't have that many in the locker, but here's my Nope!
  8. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    -4 You have to work for the good things in life - Fluffy knows, she's led by example Morning all.
  9. Because it's possible to buy $5 casino chips for a penny each (Still trying to get over banjo's ?) Am I dizzy because the earth is spinning so fast?
  10. Sslip

    True or False

    False - No TV now, although watched a couple of movies earlier TNP knows it really is time for bed because they've started yawning?
  11. Sslip

    True or False

    False .... They are awesome, particularly in a sandwich, particularly in a double decker sandwich with ready salted crisps in the other layer. False unless you count the Koi pond, which would be more like a swimming pool TNP realized smoky bacon crisps are the business?
  12. ^^^ What kind of gooky have you had in your ... Forget I nearly asked You can if it's a lunch that gives you food poisioning. Although returning the goods may not be pleasant. Do Russian's call Russian Roulette, simply Roulette and if so what do they play in casinos?
  13. Anytime Linda. There are a lot of tips and tricks that most people on here swear by. From breathing exercises, to lots and lots of water, to fruit juices and hard candy to keep blood sugar up and to act as a distraction. The key for me is to come here each day and to pledge Nope, which simply means I commit to the next 24 hours being smoke free. Small milestones are important. I'd recommend to make a list of all of the good reasons you can think of for quitting, what it will personally mean to you. Make it as long as you can and make it personal. We'll be here, there's no time like the present to take the plunge, but if you're not ready today, we'll still be here tomorrow and the following day.
  14. Sslip

    True or False

    False although I'd like to TNP has eaten a dessert in the last week?
  15. And out came a French waiter with a father's beard. I put in a carousel and a turbocharger
  16. Linda, welcome to the Quittrain and it is a great place to start to explore quitting. I'm sure you'll not be surprised to hear from us that quitting is the best possible gift you can give yourself. That's right, for all the fears, anxiety and worry over quitting, that one thing is truly an astonishing gift. You can wake up in the morning and the way you great the morning will not be with a cancer stick. You can live your life free from the anxiety of wondering and planning where you can get your next smoke in. You can sleep at night free from the anxiety of knowing that you continue to poison yourself. There is a price to pay for this, but here we have a group of people, some older, some younger that are living proof that it can be done. I'm not sure where you are based, but can you speak to your doctor about the recommended course of action. I can't comment on how Chantix would react with your other medication, but I would be surprised if something couldn't be worked out. In relation to quitting with depression, I would be surprised if what is problematic in one respect (if you see quitting as denying yourself) isn't more than counterbalanced by some of the weight being taken off your shoulders. As a nice side effect you can afford to start treating yourself to some very nice things you will richly deserve as you go through this. Read as much as you can in the newcomer topics, watch many videos, post, ask as many questions as you like. You can do this if you really want to and we will be here every step of the way if you need support.
  17. Sslip

    True or False

    ^^^ The one about the dog may not be entirely true (she gets fed twice a day, but I do one feed at most because she's not my bloody dog. And the temperatures get too cold over here to feed the fish beyond about October until probably March/April time) True - I mean the cookie is pretty rubbish, but that little slip of paper is gold. TNP has had an after dinner mint recently?
  18. Jo, the below is said with all love and respect, but WTF? You stupid sod. What on earth were you doing letting it get that far? You know that you have an army of people here who have your back, who are willing you to succeed, who you can reach out to at any time day or night. Sorry if I sound annoyed, but I am. I am frightened of what a slip would mean to you. Would you get back on the wagon straight away or would you disappear tail between your legs because you don't want to lose face with your friends here? Would you get back on the wagon at all because before it took you an age to quit again. What you have already got under your belt these last eight months is precious. You know I am proud of you and what you have achieved and faced down through your quit and I am proud that you had the strength to step back from the edge. I am also extremely proud that you have the bravery to post your near miss here, but don't ever push it that far again. I'm not sure if this has been posted here before, I know a number of wake up calls have, but take just 15 minutes of your time. It'll remind you why we don't want to play russian roulette any more.
  19. ^^^ I think the only thing that needs to float is your head unless it somehow becomes separated from your body You may want to revisit that habit of sniffing your socks, because the only explanation I can think of is there is a two way exchange going on there Do you get the same problem if you wear thongs?
  20. Sslip

    True or False

    No - Koi don't get fed every day, nor do lizards, nor do dogs TNP is better at owning pets than me? BTW @jillar your fortune cookies are rubbish, you should get a refund, that's a fact cookie
  21. And out came a Unicorn along with the country it represents I put in a 4 candle and a birthday cake
  22. Revealing opportunities unto genies everywhere BATON

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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