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Everything posted by Sslip

  1. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    18 Hey you cheeky madam, 6 questions with yes/no answers isn't bad going
  2. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    18 That would have been easier to guess if I'd realised he'd recently taken over as manager at Rangers. ?
  3. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    18 Hope you said Hi to the young lad
  4. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    18 A scouse footballer distinctive enough for you to recognize, are we talking Steven Gerrard or before his time?
  5. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    18 Is he a scouser or a weegie @WeegieWoman?
  6. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    17 Everton lad (as opposed to Liverpool) @WeegieWoman?
  7. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    16 Football?
  8. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    16 and a ball sport @WeegieWoman?
  9. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    17 Team sport @WeegieWoman?
  10. I couldn't explain it unless, it is a land of hot tempered red heads. Know ye of such a place?
  11. Sslip

    Phrase Connect Game

    it's enough to make your heart sink
  12. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

    11 ooohhh, tell me more
  13. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    out fought
  14. Hi Jackie, I was fortunate enough to write down little snippets of my early quit, so can relate to where you are. Your post just caused me to look back over them. In those early days I had up and down times, feeling impressed with myself and having light bulb thoughts in one moment and feeling like crap in others. I half remembered it as being irritable all the time, but when I look back at it now, it was only actually 3 or 4 days in that first couple of weeks where I was feeling like ripping everyones head off It really was temporary and quietened to a point that I found some respite after those first few days. Still up and downs, but the balance soon starts to shift! You are in the middle of the second week now, so keep going, you will get through this and we are here for you. It is so worth it.
  15. Sslip

    Phrase Connect Game

    if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen
  16. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  17. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    heavy handed
  18. Linda, you're doing great and doing the right things. Hope your hubby is backing you in this and is cutting you some slack. Make sure you are cutting yourself some slack too. Get plenty of water, make sure you keep your blood sugar up.
  19. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  20. Sslip

    Phrase Connect Game

    You don't keep a dog and bark yourself
  21. Sslip

    chicks or sticks

  22. Sslip

    Linked Words Game

    tip top
  23. Sslip

    Phrase Connect Game

    I'm on top of the world
  24. Bloody footprints

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