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Everything posted by c9jane29

  1. Hey! I made a pie for no reason...now it has a reason!! Happy birthday, my friend!! We love you!!
  2. Congratulations on 19 years, Christian! Thanks for all you still do here. We appreciate that you still come by to visit and give your wisdom. I hope even after 19 years you still remember to reward yourself; a 19 year quit might be its own reward, huh? I tip my hat to you, sir. Happy holidays!
  3. Congratulations Mac#23!! I hope you are enjoying your smoke free holidays! You are proof that an educated quit makes all the difference can't wait to celebrate you on the lido deck!!
  4. Congratulations on 6 months JohnQ!! I hope you are enjoying your first holiday season as a non-smoker KTQ!!
  5. Kdad, my friend, what do you think those nasty things are doing for you? You forgot the basics of quitting...you forgot your rewards, you let the romance build up, you forgot your NOPE. You have to hang on to the basics, you have to remember quitting is as easy as just not smoking. I'm sending you strength, I'm sending you hope because I really want you to quit again. I want you to find your power. Cigarettes do nothing for you. If you need a break from your day then walk away from what your doing, get a cold drink, eat a small chocolate. Remember H A L T (hungry, angry, lonely, tired). Take control. There's no demon other than your own mind...you are stronger than you think.
  6. WhooooHooooo!!! Congratulations Jo!! Let's get this party started
  7. Congrats on 3 months, Layla! Remember your reward...keep feeling good, keep loving your quit...grow with it, learn with it, learn from it and it's sure to last! KTQ!!
  8. Oh, the addict would have thought it the Holy Grail to find those!! It's a wonderful feeling to be free of even the thought of stopping!! I love stories of power and confidence! I'm glad you're out getting in your steps, breathing in that good air....good day to you, sir
  9. High five Smoking dreams are pesky, but better when you can come away feeling good. Keep loving your quit, Kate!
  10. Congratulations Kate 18 This lady... won't even dream of smoking!! I say double reward! Keep the quit, friend
  11. We highly stress education and awareness of nicotine addiction. It's easier to fight an enemy you know. At the top of this page there are pages tacked with a green pin, go thru them, read everything...read it twice Education is how we gain power over things like "romancing" and "cravings" You will learn that nicotine has actually changed the chemical make up of your brain, and you have to push the reset button. We use sayings like Not One Puff Ever, Never Take Another Puff not because we're brainwashed, but because we've gotten to know our addiction. We know one puff will lead to another. Quitting is all in your head... it's as easy or as hard as you want it to be.
  12. Congrats BKPThanks for everything you do here!
  13. Congratulations Mona 7 months already!! I hope you find a way to celebrate today! These months in-between the beginning of your quit and the one year mark (no man's land) can feel lonely. The new quit shine has worn off for the people in your life; some days seem to trudge on. That's why these rewards are so important. They are the mental balloons for your party. Every day you are quit is a celebration!! Remember that! Today we celebrate you, Mona, and all your badass-ness
  14. Of course you do, we all feel weak in our addiction...but remember the power you felt in your quit? Remember the strength you found with in yourself? You can't listen to the nicotine receptors; they are full power right now telling you all the lies. " You're weak, you're overpowered, you can't quit again...who care? Why try?" These are the lies of the demon. You, my friend, are much stronger; I know! We've watched you climb the rope before, we remember the warrior in you. Yes, the task may seem more daunting (if you keep looking back), the land ahead may seem to stretch for miles, but wouldn't you rather strap on your boots and walk it than sit on your ass and cry? The kdad I know would.
  15. Well, put on your big boy pants and get to climbing, friend. The rules haven't changed... I hope every one of those cigarettes tasted like a smelly elephant butt. Glad you're back tho...you can't let the addiction win.
  16. Yum! Biscuits and gravy is a weekend breakfast special around here! I don't make lumpy gravy tho, unless you're talking about the sausage; which is the only way to make true biscuits and gravy If you want the whole breakfast bowl experience, add a little scrambled eggs on top
  17. Congratulations on 7 years, Joe!! What an accomplishment That sweet baby will never know you as a smoker, smell that smell on you, have to ask their mom what you're doing...it's such a blessing!
  18. Congratulations Steven Never look back, only forward...you don't have to look back because we've got your back, Steven. We are so proud of every day you decide NOPE. Just keep doing what you're doing and on to month 3
  19. Congratulations Angeleek We better start sprucing up the lido deck!! I hope you have that good feeling today...that butterflies in the tummy something good feeling because you have earned it!! One year soon!! Stay excited! KTQ!!
  20. This is my mom...she is so deep under the spell of addiction that she thinks all she has to do is smoke another one to make the coughing go away. I'm so glad I quit... I'm so glad all of you have quit also! Bunch of badasses on the Quittrain
  21. Congratulations Johnny5!! 6 years is awesome!! You're a great quit friend! Thank you for many years advice
  22. Go in battle ready, young Jedi! Have confidence that you have made the right choice, quitting is the best choice, the strongest choice!! Have lines you can say when you are offered a drag..."No, I like quitting." "Nah, not today, my friend!" Give your nope quickly and confidently Being around smokers is part of the full cycle of quitting, it's one way we learn to control and grow our own quits. Start notice their habits...how a smoker can't sit down and enjoy anything, how they smell...the small things that reaffirm your reasons for staying quit. We are always behind you, Jswiss...SOS if you need to, come and chat if you need to, go in your car and bark like a dog if you need to Here quittiers always win!!!
  23. Just keep breathing in that good air, Opah! In with the good, away with the bad. I hope you are feeling good today; I hope you have a great smoke free day, and you know you are worth a life free of nicotine
  24. Be careful dwelling on the negatives... nicotine has retrained your brain to not produce dopamine on its own, it has made it think that you need it to be happy. You need to start teaching yourself how to produce (and clean up) these chemicals on your own now. That's why the reward system is so important. Chocolate, exercise, sex all let down these feel good chemicals that addicts crave...make sure you're getting your fair share. Especially in the early quit when the anger is growing and growing...you need that release. Find something that makes you feel good...even if it's something silly (fuzzy socks, a nice beard lotion, a back scratcher, a fancy craft beer, a recording of your grandson laughing) anything that you can say at the end of the day "This is my reward for not smoking today!" Reinforce the positive, don't dwell in the negatives... especially those out of your control

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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