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Everything posted by c9jane29

  1. Congratulations Armed!! 5 years is wonderful! I hope you are enjoying your smoke free life!
  2. @Sazerac I'm glad that even for these moments we are in the same place at the same time. Thank you for everything. (A little lovey-dovey, I'm not trying to be weird. She is my namesake and this song lives in my heart. It's one of the few ways I can share my heart with you)
  3. Hello Nikolas! I saw your message in the chatbox and wanted to say hi! When you're ready, take a minute to introduce yourself on the introductions page or even post on the main board. More people will see it and we would all love to meet a new QT passanger.

  4. One week free from cigerette slavery!! Celebrate, Pumpkin! Do a little dance, kiss every dog you see, and really be proud of yourself! You are worth it!
  5. Bakon, you didn't just get hit with a the ugly stick; you were drug thru the whole damn forest. Boo, your face is so ugly you make onions cry. I like this game? Jane
  6. I have monkey toes and pick up most of the house with my feet to avoid bending over?
  7. Hey GM456! Wanted to check in on you and your quit... Hope you are taking charge and staying strong!
  8. Lilly, the train says hi!! Hope you haven't given up on your quit! Please give yourself this gift...it will change your life. Don't give up on yourself!! YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  9. I've never liked the word "craving" when I quit. To me, a craving means something I want...I did NOT want to smoke. They were only memories. My dying addiction reminding(begging) me that I used to smoke at certian times. Just NOPE and find something else to do.
  10. Dang, that's a good looking quit kdad!! Gold star for you!!
  11. Congratulations MLMR!!! I'm so happy for you, friend!! Wear that quit with pride; you've earned it!
  12. @notsmokinjo ? ?? Incubus is one of my favorite bands!! Love it, thanks?
  13. I had heard about this too! I heard UK governments were pushing to ban single use filters and control unnecessary packaging. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/environment/cost-cigarettes-rise-tobacco-industry-smoking-environment-who-climate-change-pollution-a8564796.html%3famp
  14. Both, I have a big backyard?
  15. My husband does not have looks...I married him for his wanker?
  16. Congrats on 6 days free from the chains of smoking slavery, Pumpkin!! Keep those doggie kisses coming, I love it!!
  17. I see you peeking in Lin!! Hope all is well :)

  18. Much respect to you, MissyCat! Congratulations and celebrate well; you deserve it!
  19. Glad you're home safe and sound, friend!! Take some time for Linda only now!! I read on MLMRs thread that you like crafts and such but feel like you let yourself get away from doing those kind of things... I think now is the perfect time to start again. It will help occupy your hands and mind as these emotional times come up. Idle hands are the devil's play thing. Hugs and loves for you as always!!
  20. ? Feelings, nothing more than feelings Anger boiling in me I want to punch their faces (but i don't) Woh-uhoh... ? Can't go to wal-mart; I'll get stuck behind an old fart In a motorized fat cart.... Stop at a red light; give the finger to a hot wife Her smoke is getting in my car!! Feeelings..who-ooh-uhoh? Can't take them out, but I can't hold them in!! where oh where do I begin??... (I don't know so...) I'll just keep punching faces from within.? (Insert glitter bomb here) It's okay, (T)!! I had a huge anger problem when I first quit...sometimes I can still feel my blood pressure rise. Eat some chocolate, make sure you are giving yourself breaks (just to take a step back like you used to as a smoker just no cigarettes) You got this, girl!
  21. Jillar, you must have been born on the highway...because that's where most accidents happen?
  22. Nah, sounds good to me ...I couldn't have done it without chocolate tho!!
  23. This should be your mantra when you start your quit again...because it is the raw truth. Continue to read around here and whyquit.com while you find your quit. @Sazerac bumped this post in the Introductions page There is so. much. POWER. in that thread! I realized after I quit that it's the people that want you to keep smoking (smoking friends, your addicted brain, and big tobacco) that say how devestatingly hard it is to quit. Harder than heroin!! Lies. Lies. Lies. Then you come here and it's just...not. Keep finding that quit Lilly!!
  24. Congratulations Tammy on 4 months! Do something nice for yourself today!
  25. Congrats on 2 months free from smoking slavery! I hope you feel proud and remember to reward yourself today!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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