You could eat them but they are protected so you can’t. And they know it! Cheeky beggers. The males build a mound of leaf litter in which the female lays her eggs. The leaf litter rots and the heat keeps the eggs warm. The male tends the mound pilling up more leaf litter and removing it till the eggs hatch. The baby’s are completly independant when they hatch and look after themselves without the parents help.
Dogs don’t have a chance they spray dirt and leaves and sticks at the dogs face with there powerfull feet and the dogs can’t see they then nip at the dogs tail and my dogs been chased more than once.
They have figured what traffic lights are and will wait at a set of lights till they go red. As soon as the cars are stopped they race across the road.
A friend looked at a house to rent. The front yard had just been landscape new turf plants and mulched garden beds. When he went to move in 2 days later. The whole lot was gone. A bush turkey had moved the lot across the road and built an egg mound down the side of an empty house. And there is nothing you can do to move it back either cause the bird will just move it back again.
So they are pretty much urbanised now know they are protected so they thrive.