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Everything posted by Cbdave

  1. G"day NOPE don't smoke no more C
  2. G'day NOPE my task for today C
  3. G’day here NOPE for today C
  4. G’day NOPE for me today C
  5. G'day NOPE starts my day C
  6. Gday To give you some idea of distance here. It’s 1500 km from Brisbane to Melbourne where Jo lives. Cape York where the cyclone is, 2200 km from Brisbane. Our Hope is that the cyclone will pass though the Cape York to get to sea again in the Gulf of Capentaria where it will gain strength ( and rain) then cross the coast and loss strength and become a “low system” again and head south through western Qld and into nth west NSW. South west Qld didn’t get those flooding rains like the Nth in fact it hasn’t rained there in 8 years. Hard to believe but that’s the reality of living in a country of droughts and flooding rains. C
  7. G’day NOPE starts this day C
  8. Gday ive got my functions back this morning without having to do anything! i will keep the laptop just in case.... but using the laptop has hilighted how much is missing since I started on the forum. Can’t see tickers or set one myself, can’t post pics anymore. Be nice if these functions returned C
  9. G’day NOPE starts this day C
  10. Gday the NZ navy was the last to have it. I’ve had a rum issue on a NZ ship must be 28 years ago. They put 60 mils of rum in your cup and you’ve got to down it in one go in front of the issuing officer. You dare not breath for a while till the fumes dissipate in your throat. It’s bad form to cough and splutter with your issue!
  11. Gday never ran out of beer. 2 cans of beer per man Per day per haps
  12. G’day brought up on vegemite ....still eat it today but I like promite as well. Got stuck away from aust on a ship that ran out of vegemite....
  13. g'day Toast promite smear with advocado and top with a poached egg. breakfast of champions! in fact my breakfast this morning and I wasn't at a trendy coffee joint! C
  14. G'day I"m answering this on the borrowed lap top as again most of the functions have returned on the phone except being able to post a reply or start a thread. you get the rely box appear but no were to type the message I have tried my wife's IPhone as she has a different provider. I've tried a neighbours network as well with both phones. I've also logged on with goggle and safari. no joy! The tec I recon tried much the same as I have with the same result. Sorry I'm not trying to be difficult but this happens dayly now, and my only way around it seems to be using this laptop Chris
  15. G'day I'm back on with a borrowed lap top. was getting the forum late in the day on the iPhone by clearing the catch and cookies etc but that didn't work yesterday Cant get passed the except terms and conditions part Talked to the local apple tec people its definitely related to the site update as they couldn't get around it Not complaining as much as letting you know,,,,, C
  16. G'day NOPE for today C
  17. G'day NOPE for me C
  18. Gday NOPE for me C
  19. G’day NOPE starts my day C
  20. G’day NOPE starts my day C
  21. Gday NOPE for today C
  22. Gday Dont say that! I’ll put up with not being able to do much with my phone as I can only get on by getting ride of my cookies. Passcodes links all gone! I’m hoping it’s days not weeks.....
  23. Gday These NOPE for me yet C
  24. G’day NOPE starts me day C
  25. Gday well that has appeared to do the job, I’m back thanks C

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