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Everything posted by Cbdave

  1. G’day We got some relief on Wednesday night. 90 mm (3 1/2 inches) in 1 hour one hell of a bucketing. More rain than I’ve had in 6 months falls in 1 hour! Figure! Some places got 130 mm or 5 inches in that hour. Brisbane city it’s a relief but the best is that the Redland Bay Area and Stradbroke island copped a soaking as well. That will keep a lot of bush safe. Got another storm tonight and another 18 mm (3/4 inch) and my water tanks which supply my gardens are now overflowing. The whole of the east coast needs rain desperately. They are taking about some current in the Indian Ocean has changed and we could be in for some better rains in the new year. Here’s hoping chris
  2. G’day well what can I say.... Champion!
  3. G’day being Friday and the 13th changes nothing..... NOPE
  5. G’day Snow? In Darwin? Bet cha they would run out of Bundy Rum....
  7. G’day that NZ prime minister has certainly had a lot of grief to attend to. I take my hat off to her.... she’s a true “statesman”
  8. G’day Not One Puff Ever
  9. G’day Jo least everyones OK. Smart girl! Remembered what a handbrakes for! And used it at the right time. I’m impressed
  10. G’day Not One Puff Ever
  12. G’day https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/emergency-warnings-for-nsw-bushfires/news-story/96a1145268482f3810aff5c51e2e4610 Sorry it couldn’t be clearer go to the secound clip. My bro was standing in the car park at Stocklands as this went through sleepy Forster NSW. His car survived after cleaning the muck off he discovered his tail lights were melted. C
  13. G’day All Thanks for thinking of us here in the Sub Tropics! Amazing to think that the rainforest can burn but it does. Just needs a long drought and a blast of hot dry air. The smoke is the Ever present reminder. In the evenings it’s worse as the cooler sea breezes drop the smoke from the fires from Stradbroke and Morten Island. It’s choking. My sweetheart has asthma and I keep a very close eye on her. Even though we are safe as we have no bushland we are part of my mates fire plan. Our spare beds made and we are his destination should he decide to leave his property due to fire. The little bag of important papers and pictures and computer backup is a bit chilling in the spare room. But it is what it is and you have clear plan and stick to it. god bless all Chris
  17. G’day NOPE
  18. G’day Jo Congrats Jo...... you deserve this! Enjoy
  19. G’day NOPE starts my day
  20. G’day Not One Puff Ever ....NOPE ... no way
  21. G’day NOPE starts my day
  22. G’day NOPE. NOPE. NOPE
  23. G’day NOPE starts my day
  24. G’day NOPE I don’t smoke/smoulder/burst into flames

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