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Everything posted by Whispers

  1. Give you an idea, most stations are 6 monitors with news, charts and quotes. This is charts.. It blinds you, i need glasses with a protective coating for my eyes
  2. Congrats on two years, Jim
  3. Linda, a lot slant their views. Some news outlets even go as far as to setup the line of questions, they also use a lot of BAIT questions. You're reading it right
  4. There's been talk related to this before (e-cigg)... https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/08/health/vaping-ecigarettes-fda.html
  5. Yes, i work behind a PC for over 20 years and how i make a living... I agree, you need to see people! Interact in real life or they'll become socially awkward. Before i had realized in the first few years of social media we all were going out and staring at our phones, go to a game pic ... post ...etc Same for going out to eat or for a drink... Crazy What i do for a living is i analyze news, charts and numbers.. We are trained to peel back the layers, when you find whats beneath its rewarding financially. In real life people don't like it as you find out too much. Have to learn to balance that gift
  6. All Hawaii is doing is categorizing Cigarettes as a drug.. People will still find a way to smoke if they want to smoke
  7. Never gets old for me
  8. Creagan said taxes and other regulations have slowed down tobacco use, but have not stopped the problem. "Basically, we essentially have a group who are heavily addicted — in my view enslaved by a ridiculously bad industry, which has enslaved them by designing a cigarette that is highly addictive, knowing that it highly lethal. And, it is," Creagan said. Creagan said he started smoking as a teenager and did so regularly during his medical residency. The state is obligated to "protect the public's health," he said. "This is more lethal, more dangerous than any prescription drug, and it is more addicting," Creagan said. "In my view, you are taking people who are enslaved from a horrific addiction, and freeing people from horrific enslavement. We, as legislators, have a duty to do things to save people's lives. If we don't ban cigarettes, we are killing people. Nobody likes to be told what to do and if they aren't asking for help leave them alone. My views have changed after what i have seen, my mother was quit 9 years and the ending which was a result from smoking that started slowly over the years and boom. You can lead a horse to water ... I was actually smoking watching the deterioration and like the addict i am i couldn't stop, if they were illegal i would've found a way to get them. Now after what i experienced i will do whatever it takes to never puff again. Ban em, educate them.. But help them I remember back in HS a friend who could never be wrong about sports. I would remind him and this guy told me... Don't do that, give him this number.... You see the "type" that will make you money! Tell him he has a nice shirt while you're taking his $ that he willingly throws away ... I just looked at him and didn't understand it fully back then
  9. Treating a cigarette like cocaine or any other drug is what they are trying to do here https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-ecigarettes/e-cigarettes-help-more-smokers-quit-than-patches-and-gum-study-finds-idUSKCN1PO30V The people are being misinformed with the e cigg/vape IMO, people with addictive personalities will go from... to another . Big tobacco knows this, if its used as a step down OK.
  10. HONOLULU — “The legislature finds that the cigarette is considered the deadliest artifact in human history.” A black/underground market will rise, but i like what Hawaii is doing. https://kdvr.com/2019/02/04/hawaii-considers-bill-to-ban-cigarette-sales-to-anyone-younger-than-100/
  11. HONOLULU (KHON2) - Hawaii could be the first state in the U.S. to ban the sale of cigarettes, if a current proposal becomes law. Adults younger than age 30 could be legally prohibited from buying cigarettes in less than a year's time -- and all cigarette sales would be banned in Hawaii in five years -- under a bill by State Representative Richard Creagan. The bill was co-signed by Representatives John Mizuno, also a Democrat, and Cynthia Thielen, a Republican. "We're taxing them, that did decrease use somewhat, but we still have 140,000 people in our state that smoke cigarettes. You don't see them as much anymore, because we kind of made them hide. But, they're going to die, half of them are going to die if they keep smoking, and we can prevent that." Creagan dismisses the argument that his proposal would take away a smoker's civil liberty, saying it is something the tobacco industry has long cited. KHON2 was unable to reach the American Civil Liberties Union for comment on this story. Creagan says smokers are horribly addicted and need freedom from enslavement. Smokers and non-smokers have mixed feelings. Kenny Tsai says, "I don't think it's a good idea. It's taking away our rights to choose. That's what I think." Frank Raken says, "Even tho like it's 21, you have to be 21, there is still kind of places that you can actually get cigarettes or, you know, how they ask someone to buy for them. It's gonna be a good idea." Vickson Victor enjoys smoking and says, "It's my right. It's my life. So, it's my choice." State Representative Richard Creagan is a retired emergency room physician, who believes that from his Capitol office, he can save more lives. In addition to smokers' addiction, Creagan says the state also is addicted -- to 110-million dollars in annual, cigarette-tax revenue. While Creagan would prefer the ban be immediate and total, he realizes beneficiaries of those tax dollars, the UH Cancer Research Center and John A. Burns School of Medicine, can't go cold-turkey. That is why the ban would be unrolled in phases. Creagan believes, if Hawaii becomes the first cigarette-free destination, visitors will flock here. "Our beaches will be free of cigarette butts, our parks, all of that. Kids won't be exposed. You won't have to worry about your baby or your dog chewing on a cigarette butt, I mean, we'll be the first state to be cigarette-free and i think that's really cool." Hawaii was first to raise the legal smoking age to 21 and with the proposed ban, he believes the state should continue to be a beacon for the rest of the nation. https://www.kron4.com/news/national/hawaii-could-be-first-in-us-to-ban-sale-of-cigarettes/1745301619
  12. 3 day Polar vortex challenge has ended, not the 30k i was hoping for
  13. Congrats on 6 months linda...
  14. Look at you killing it.. OPA no H! BTW, if you watch deal or no deal ep 12 they have a greek guy on yelling OPA and smashing dishes
  15. Congrats on 1 year Catlover!
  16. Congrats on month #10, Albert
  17. The Polar vortex challenge!
  18. Yes. I had it in December. First 4 days were brutal, the rest i was able to handle it but it lingered. The mailman here has it and delivering mail, germ mail? I'm with you on freezing it out

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