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Everything posted by Whispers

  1. Both claim different, its fairly new that we find out as it happens. They just have to "sell it" (sales pitch). I have friends that love to vape, they claim they quit smoking now vape. They didnt quit nicotine to me, they took the easy way. I tried to share with them how great it is after, it sucks for a while early in but that goes away after you quit cold turkey.Your govt is definitely pushing the vape/e-cigg
  2. This claims safe https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/cancer-controversies/does-vaping-cause-popcorn-lung This claims not safe https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318260.php Wet Lung https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/05/21/teen-gets-wet-lung-after-vaping-three-weeks/630047002/ CDC https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/index.htm
  3. cannabis (pot) used for a long time here, states are making it legal and also medical reasons for some. As far as the vaping/ e-cigg its been out here for a while, the debates i see in this thread we had on social media about 5 years back when it was very big. People would open up vape stores and all the news was it was safe, cool etc. I read the news and why other Govt are lying to the people with its safe i have no answer for, but out here it was safe and year by year the news changed. If vaping or E-cigg is something a smoker wants to use its your/their choice . Around 2011-2012 vaping was trending and also hookah lounge started to become popular
  4. We have planet fitness out here, treadmill is great so is the elliptical. I like the sight seeing and i have a couple rtes i run but i also use the machines
  5. No matter how it's delivered, nicotine is harmful. Users risk exposing their respiratory systems to potentially harmful chemicals. We all quit smoking but we also quit nicotine. Even the gum and patches are used as a step down. Time will tell lilly but if anything has nicotine and it becomes a life long addiction that comes with fatal consequences
  6. After i first quit i wasnt able to walk a couple blocks. Its cold out here and it makes me feel real good to be able to do this every day. My lungs feel good not heavy at all and it keeps me toned
  7. A lot of misinformation out there about vaping/e-gigg. Just like i did before i joined QSMB we lurk until we get the courage/confidence to quit . For those browsing the site looking for information it is here. When they become comfortable maybe the come in and join the discussion. Vaping is popular here
  8. A lot miss it, it was our friend/our crutch .. I had to learn to replace it .. 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  9. Phillip Morris got involved, https://www.barrons.com/articles/philip-morris-ceo-on-vaping-juul-and-staying-relevant-51549577459 If they want to, they will find a way. They can use a bong and not use water instead ice cubes or even in winter snow to be less harsh instead of vaping or an ecigg. Its like smoking any drug, cocaine/crack. They can use a pipe or out of a can. Still feeding the addiction(nicotine), Smoking/Vaping/Bong .Nicotine is a chemical that is dangerous because you can get addicted.Nicotine/ The rush of adrenaline stimulates the body, causing a sudden release of glucose as well as an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration. Nicotine also suppresses insulin output from the pancreas, causing smokers to be slightly hyperglycemic. All they want to do is feed the people the nicotine, if people use the e cigg or vaping as a step down from smoking ok but if they replace it "lateral move" they are still addicts and nicotine is not safe at all no matter how its delivered . Out here i see the cycle from the unemployed, either on disability or welfare they smoke and drink as they have nothing else to do. Govt gets the $ right back. If they dont want to quit they will smoke until they get a scare or even sometimes until they pass away .
  10. Some are making a lateral move from cigarettes to vaping- e ciggs. Big T is still delivering the nicotine to them, just educating them as they have been saying for years its safer . I used both and it was harsh on my throat a bit.
  11. Study finds association between vaping and cardiovascular problems CTVNews.ca Staff Published Thursday, March 7, 2019 8:00AM EST Last Updated Thursday, March 7, 2019 12:05PM EST In this April 11, 2018, file photo, an unidentified 15-year-old high school student uses a vaping device near the school's campus in Cambridge, Mass. (AP Photo/Steven Senne) A new study has found an association between vaping, or the increasingly popular use of e-cigarettes, and negative cardiovascular health outcomes, including increased odds of having a heart attack, developing coronary artery disease or experiencing depression. The study, which will be presented later this month, is among the first to report such an understudied association and adds to the ongoing debate about whether e-cigarettes are a safer alternative to smoking tobacco. “These data are a real wake-up call and should prompt more action and awareness about the dangers of e-cigarettes,” Dr. Mohinder Vindhyal, an assistant professor at the University of Kansas School of Medicine Wichita and lead author of the study, said in a news release. The study looked at data submitted by nearly 96,500 respondents in 2014, 2016 and 2017 for the National Health Interview Survey issued by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Related Stories Looking to quit smoking? Vaping more effective than patches and gum: study No one knows the best way to help teens addicted to vaping: experts Youth smoking decline stalls, and vaping may be to blame E-cigarette advertising may face heavy new restrictions It found that e-cigarette users were 34 per cent more likely to have a heart attack, 25 per cent more likely to have coronary artery disease and 55 per cent more likely to suffer from depression, when compared with non-users and after considering other known cardiovascular health risk factors such as age, weight and high blood pressure. Those who reported using e-cigarettes were on average roughly seven years younger than non-users, the study found. “When we dug deeper, we found that regardless of how frequently someone uses e-cigarettes, daily or just on some days, they are still more likely to have a heart attack or coronary artery disease,” Vindhyal said. Researchers said that their study has a number of limitations. For one, it doesn’t prove causation, only an association between any kind of smoking and poor health outcomes. It also does not determine whether these negative outcomes may have occurred prior to using e-cigarettes. “Cigarette smoking carries a much higher probability of heart attack and stroke than e-cigarettes,” Vindhyal said. “But that doesn’t mean that vaping is safe.” https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/health/study-finds-association-between-vaping-and-cardiovascular-problems-1.4325067
  12. I just looked it up... Chocolate.... I will save this and try it after lent https://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/chocolate-cake-in-a-mug/
  13. 3x wow, chocolate is hard for me. This am i was in the deli and i looked and a chocolate muffin was right there.
  14. Congrats dors on 5 years
  15. Congratulations Jayhawk!
  16. watch this...
  17. deep breath, go for a walk... Move a muscle, change a thought Mindset shift
  18. Yup, when u see it. One guy put a picture of a boat he always wanted with $ he saved . My ticker im at 12,000, put that cash in a jar

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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