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Everything posted by Martian5

  1. Ren -- can't add much more. Just remember to focus on your quit and that you can get by not smoking in any situation and hope that you set the example and part of that is not to chastise too much. Just hope that your partner can see how much better you are doing.
  2. I agree what most have said. I have only been on for 5 months and have seen several go by the wayside. You have to be steadfast in your quit and use all resources of which Quit Train is one (to some of us a very important one). This topic also can show how strong the pull of nicotine can be and each of us as individuals must make the commitment to take smoking off the table and realize that the journey can be long --- but what waits is so worth it.
  3. Awesome job on the 5 months Fab, take some time to reflect and celebrate!!!!
  4. Hi Jack, and yest I believe forgetting the date can be good in a way, I did the same thing last month. Good job on your 10th and good hearing form you.
  5. Checking in. Doing well on the quit, almost at the 5 month mark. Craves are definitely getting fewer and farther behind (though I had a strong one yesterday, just said NOPE and went my merry way). Thanks for all the support and help from this group.
  6. NOPE!!!!
  7. Congrats on the 7 months -- Make sure to take some time to reflect and celebrate --- You are going strong!!!!
  8. Jillar -- Great job, thanks for all that you have posted to help us all!!!!
  9. Lml fantastic job, you have been doing really well -- Keep it going!!!!
  10. Well Jo, congrats on the 6 months - it has to be a great feeling. Take time to celebrate and reflect. And thanks for all the help and support you give to us fellow passengers on this great train!!!!
  11. NOPE!!!!
  12. Fantastic job GITW, 7 months is a great milestone. Take some time to reflect and celebrate.
  13. Jenny -- Congrats on your 6 year mark and thanks for all the work you have done --- way to Pay It Forward!!!!
  14. Welcome aboard Michelle, the important thing is that you are quitting -- Use NRT if it will help you stop from lighting up another cig. Yes the cold water helps as does deep breathing techniques. Also remember to come here often --- we are here to help you on this journey!!!!
  15. The thought of all this going on and also trying to deal with all the stress and still fight off the nicodemon -- just an awesome job. You are one strong aussie _____

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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