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Everything posted by Martian5

  1. Catlover congrats on the 9 month mark, getting ever closer to the Lido deck now, enjoy the day!!!!!!
  2. NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  3. Linda, my deepest condolences to you. You have exhibited great strength, empathy and courage -- thank you for showing the way. I am sure your friend was thankful and proud. You have made it through one of the toughest times for quitting and you have come thru strong. Prayers are with you!!!!
  4. NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  5. Fantastic job on the 2 year mark, great achievement. Thanks for all that you have done for all of us here on this train!!!!
  6. Awesome job on the 7 month mark Albert, congrats and make sure you take time to celebrate today!!!
  7. NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  8. Great to have you back Lilly. You can do this just remember to pledge NOPE and come here often!!!!
  9. NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  10. NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  11. Rhino you are doing good, thanks for posting it shows that you want to quit. It is tough those first few days and it is not easy but it will pass. As the days go by it does get better. I was in the same boat in my first two weeks (I did not find this sight until the second week and it really helped me get through, wished I had been here the first week). This can be done and you are showing that you have the desire --
  12. Jo so hard to believe it is 11 months already, you go girl. Only 1 month away so party hearty and proud you deserve it!!!
  13. NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  14. ^^^^^ Oh so true Jet Black, thanks for that memory!!!
  15. Roryplog -- though it is belated -- congrats!!!!
  16. It is good that you posted about the good, the bad, and the ugly. I to have issues about those 3 points and still wrapping my head around them, but I try to focus on "The Good" -- to me that is important and had I not quit (looks like we chose the same day) I would not have those good things to focus on and after 44 years of smoking that is a blessing. Continue to march on, you are doing well!!!
  17. NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  18. Welcome RhinoDragon, glad to have you along for the journey. Those above have given the best advice so I would follow what has already been said. I would add that lots of cold water and deep breathing techniques help greatly. The big thing is the NOPE pledge, it may seem hokey (it did to me at first), however I found out that it helped me and continues to help me. Anyway welcome and congrats on the starting the 4th day smoke free!!!
  19. Welcome aboard for this journey Cader. You have been given great advice from all above. Read here, Read a lot, the information here well help greatly. If you have any questions, post here and you will find someone that will help you the best they can. In the end it is in your hands to quit but the information and the people here are invaluable for your quit -- You Can Do This. Also plenty of cold water to drink and deep breathing techniques will help. Also coming her daily for the NOPE pledge does really work....
  20. Fantastic job on the 2 month mark Parsley, congrats. Make sure to take some time to celebrate today!!!
  21. NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  22. NOPE!!!!!!!!!
  23. Awesome job on the 1 year mark GITW, well done. Enjoy your day on the LIDO deck and celebrate well you deserve it!!!
  24. I was just sitting outside watching the late afternoon sun and clouds and enjoying a simple serenity. I came to realize that I could smell autumn again. I remember that when I was younger I always enjoyed the smell of autumn. This may not seem all that impactful to others but it is huge to me -- many, many memories and feelings long suppressed have come back. One more thing that I am grateful for and can use if any cravings come along. Quitting smoking has brought so many simple pleasures back!!!!
  25. NOPE!!!!!!!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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