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Everything posted by Martian5

  1. Welcome aboard on this journey. Glad you have decided to quit you will not regret it though it may be tough at times. Keep close to educate, ask for help, or just socialize -- it really will help!!!!
  2. Great job on the 11 month mark wantsit, you are rocking this quit. 1 month to the Lido deck (those lights are getting so bright now) so get ready to party!!!!
  3. And a fantastic birthday wish to you johnny5 -- enjoy your smoke free life for another year!!!
  4. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Abbynormal -- fantastic job on the 9 months, you are really going strong now. Congrats and most definitely take time to celebrate today!!!!
  6. Definite respect mightyboosh -- must be trying on you but you are doing well. And no when I quit I was the only smoker in the house (grandchildren were thrilled)!!!
  7. I am floating around somewhere in the universe!!!!!
  8. NOPE to start another month !!!!!!!
  9. Great on posting Tony. The first few days are tough, you have to get thru the physical withdrawal symptoms. Jillar gave hints above that I used and helped me get thru the tough parts somewhat. The good news is that some of these will go away soon. I also drank cold water as well as cold juice when a craving came on and also took walks. Another good thing is come here often when you can -- there is a lot of educational material as well as good to people to ask for advice or just socialize some. Keep strong - this can be done.
  10. Welcome Birch glad to have you aboard. It is great that you are trying to quit. Keep focused and committed, also come here often it really will help. As said above you have gotten some good advice but use that NOPE pledge, it really worked for me. Keep strong!!!!!
  11. Good to hear from you again abbynormal. Glad to see you going strong. Yes the time flies and things get better, soon you will be on the Lido Deck so spread your wings!!!
  12. Opah it is good to see you again. Let's make this one work, keep focused and committed and you can do this. And congrats on the job!!!
  13. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Fantastic job on the 5 years Sonic -- Congrats!!!!
  15. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Congrats on the 1st month -- keep strong and keep moving forward and definitely take some time to celebrate!!!!
  18. You can treat yourself to anything that may make you feel good as well as proud. A small special treat with dinner (food or drink), a quick walk at sunset to reflect all that you have done for yourself during the quit. A hot soak during the evening. Special time with a special person (or pet or just yourself). Anything that makes you feel fuzzy and warm on the inside and you can take a few minutes to relax -- just keep it simple!!!! Save for the extravagant celebrations for the 1st month, the 3rd month, the 6th month and most definitely that 1 year mark -- or you can go all out on any celebration if you desire, any reward for quitting you deserve!!!!!
  19. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Happy B'Day Jo!!!!!!
  21. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Sammy awesome job on the 7 month mark -- you have strong quit going now. Congrats and take time to celebrate today!!!
  23. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. 2 months -- awesome job hellkatbaby you are building a strong quit. Be proud of yourself in more ways than one you are a strong one!!!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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