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Everything posted by Martian5

  1. NOPE!!!!!!
  2. Linda --- It is never too late to quit. I thought the same thing (over and over) and even relegated myself to an earlier death due to smoking and figuring the worst had been done so why quit? Anyway I did quit and it is true you start to heal the first day and it only gets better. I smoked for over 45 years. I was not able to breath well and diagnosed with COPD and High Blood Pressure before I quit smoking. I can still feel the damage now but I breathe so much better, I walk 1 1/2 to 2 miles per day, and my BP meds have been reduced so yes you can heal and you can and will feel so much better and my Doctor states I have added years to my life. Each and every day I remember how it was and see how it is now -- that is all the motivation I need at this time to continue this quit. Look to the positives of quitting, you will never regret it in the long run. Keep strong!!!!!
  3. NOPE!!!!!!
  4. NOPE!!!!!!
  5. NOPE!!!!!!
  6. Yes Linda this is hard to go thru and it is a pain to relapse. However, do not be too hard on yourself but do take time to look back and take a hard look to find the triggers. The good thing is that you came back and admitted to the situation -- that is bigger than you may realize. And remember when you make a mistake it is important to realize it, admit it, and then learn from it -- it will do wonders as you continue this journey. You can do this!!!!!!
  7. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Great job on the first month, keep strong and you will always be rewarded more than you can imagine -- Well Done!!!!!
  9. NOPE!!!!!!
  10. I can live with this. It is kind of catching.
  11. NOPE!!!!!!
  12. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Still a NOPE for me!!!!!!!!
  14. Yipper I am still around and still smoke free!!!!!
  15. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad to say I will not be posting much from this point on. At this time I need to focus on looking to the west and try to enjoy the sunset. I thank you all for you have been such a blessing and have done more for me than you will ever know. The support and socializing have been amazing and contributed so much to my quit. Stay the course and stay strong for the quit -- the journey has been and will be worth it!!!!!!!
  16. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Way to go Bat -- 6 years is amazing, make sure you celebrate!!!!
  18. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Great job on the 32 days and the health benefits only get better!!!!
  20. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Yes I am just getting over a cold also, my first one since I quit two years ago. I did feel under the weather for a few days but boy compared to when I smoked this was a breeze. When I smoked I would wake up in the middle of the night coughing really bad and could not breath well at all (in fact my son almost took me to the ER on more than one occasion). This time I had no real problems with coughing or breathing. The joys of quitting ---- they just keep adding up!!!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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