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Everything posted by Martian5

  1. I too also have the occasional smoking dreams and they can be so realistic to the point I feel that I have started again. I agree with Christian99 above as what might be the cause. The good thing is that once I am fully awake I realize I still have my quit and usually come right to this site and dive into some reading and reaffirming my quit.
  2. NOPE!!!!!!
  3. NOPE!!!!!!
  4. NOPE!!!!!!
  5. As all have said -- You can do this, you have done so in the past. Focus on the here and now and remember that you are building for the future. You had a good quit so you know the benefits and the overall better feelings that you had, remember those and build on those. I quit a few months before you and just this last January I left the board for awhile. I saw myself becoming complacent and cigarettes were calling me back strongly, I fought hard not to start again and was able to keep my quit. I realized that I needed to come back here if nothing else for the NOPE page to keep me grounded. I am glad that you came back -- I know that you can do this -- Keep Strong!!!
  6. NOPE!!!!!!
  7. NOPE!!!!!!
  8. Pass on my well wishes for a great birthday to mother piggy. 100, that is an achievement that is so worthy and is so great that you have gotten to share so many years!!!
  9. NOPE!!!!!!
  10. NOPE!!!!!!
  11. NOPE!!!!!!
  12. NOPE!!!!!!
  13. NOPE!!!!!!
  14. NOPE!!!!!!
  15. NOPE!!!!!!
  16. NOPE!!!!!!
  17. NOPE!!!!!!
  18. NOPE!!!!!!
  19. Hey I remember the same thing happened to me and about the same time as you in your quit. The dream was so vivid I woke up and felt guilty for giving up on my quit. The craving lasted for a bit that morning so I did the same as you and got right on the board and posted (was a great help). But the positive thing was that I actually started at that time in getting stronger in my quit because I came to realize that nicotine had a strong hold and I had to be ever vigilant. I still get the dreams every so often but the craving after the dreams has gone away. I still get thoughts about smoking but they last a few seconds and as you stated that the stakes are so high if you give up the quit and that my friend shows that you are getting stronger in you quit and see the value of no longer smoking ---- Keep Strong!!!!!
  20. NOPE!!!!!!
  21. NOPE!!!!!!
  22. NOPE!!!!!!
  23. NOPE!!!!!!
  24. NOPE!!!!!!
  25. NOPE!!!!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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