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christine 12

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Everything posted by christine 12

  1. not really cold turkey, I've had a few pieces of nicotine gum in the last two days. Weird, my other times I tried to quit I could go without
  2. Because my daughter needs braces, and we cant afford them unless both me and my boyfriend quit smoking.
  3. Still havent' walked across the street, still haven't asked boyfriend for a cigarette Yet I feel like a failure anyway. I don't feel this is a reasonable emotion, as I haven't smoked for over two days. maybe it's because I am close to failure. I don't kno.
  4. My boyfriend keeps "sneaking" out for a smoke. I realize it's just a matter of me and me alone, and my willpower. I will never quit if I wait for a perfect time. Just deal with what I have before me.
  5. Yeah I'm waiting for a treadmill, should be here any day now
  6. I have gone through all the mental ups and downs of quitting since january 2, and I feel that I am as mentally prepared as I'll ever get. Not it's just the physical addiction I need to deal with. This should be the easy part, right?
  7. Thanks, but I've had my thyroid checked and no problems. I think this is purely a psychiatric issue Yes, he knows I'm quitting. The only thing he will give me for anxiety is zoloft,and I refuse to take it.
  8. Jilllar, my phychiatrist worn't give me anything for anxiety.
  9. Last month when I tried quitting, I had near-constant "hallucinations" that made it hard to function. I only managed t make it five days. The hallucinations went away qhen I started smoking again. This time, the hallucinations are back, but they aren't constant. They lasted about 5-6 hours yesterday morning. I haven't had any today. I have only had these particular hallucinations while trying to quit smoking. It is a tactile hallucination, where there is a feeling of "bad" energy, wrapping around my gut and heart. It is sometimes even painful it is so intense. I would like to think this is just an anxiety reaction, but it feels more like my will is being tested. I try to do normal things during these episodes, but soemtimes all I can do is just lay there in bed. I can't do that though, because I have a family to take care of.
  10. I tried to quit in January, and I only lasted three days. Then I tried a few more times, and only lasted 2-5 days. This is my fifth or so try, and Im at about 2 days. Wish me luck I guess.
  11. not so easy at 72 hours.....
  12. I've made it 72 hours ! Three days and I can feel every hour of it
  13. In one hour and 47 minutes, it will be three full days exactly for me.
  14. You reminded me it's only been a few days. Feels like a lot longer than that. My bad moment passed, feeling better now. Didn't smoke.
  15. Having a rough hour or so, been wandering around looking for cigarettes in pockets, purses etc. I have enough cash for one pack.Haven't gone to the store yet, which is right across the street. My worst moment yet.
  16. I plan to by a book when I'm quit for a month
  17. I quit 38 hours ago, not a long time, but LONG for me im using nicotrol inhaler
  18. I feel fine, just can't sleep. cravings are easy to deal with, and only last a few seconds to a few minutes. A bit of brain fog. Mild restlessness. No irritability or anything like that. I thought I would be fighting cravings every second, and be tense nonstop. But no, it's much easier than I thought it would be so far.
  19. it's strange, I haven't seen any numbrs or had any synchs sinse I quit. It's been over 36 hours. I also haven't slept much. a few minutes here and there. I am not sure how many days I will give myself for not sleeping. I think I will just keep up the quit. its more important than getting sleep. Though I will have to talk to my boyfriend first and see what he says. I do have responibilities.
  20. Anyone else on the board with schizophrenia or schizoaffective who is trying to wuit? I chose this time to quit mainly because I have been doing good lately. But I am wondering hoe I'm going to cope without smokes if I am having an episode. ? Yes I am in therapy for it but my therapist isnt much help.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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