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christine 12

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Everything posted by christine 12

  1. This will be my sixth or seventh attempt since I first started trying to quit at the beginning of the year. Wish me luck.
  2. still up. I made some coffee, I'll sleep when I do I guess lol
  3. I just have to keep trying. I can't sleep, it looks like an all-nighter. I am going to make it worse by having coffee in a half hour or so. I will sleep for a couple hours after my boyfriend gets up. It's easier to sleep when he's awake anyway. Luckily it's the weekend so he's home all day. He didn't buy a pack tonight, so I think he's ready to quit. I hope so. I will quit again by wednesday, for certain reasons I won't go into here right now.
  4. christine 12


    I will try again in a few days.
  5. I also have schizoaffective disorder, so manic is relatively normal for me I guess
  6. Ok I suppose. Just UP all night, manic. Everyone is sleeping, so no one to talk to.
  7. is anyone up?
  8. Thanks. I finally feel somewhat better now. I think I will last through the morning or longer.
  9. I am not normally a drama queen, but it's just really HARD for some reason to quit and I feel like I'm being a big baby about it. The other times I tried to quit, it didn't seem to last for hours. Maybe I just gave in soon after the obsessive thoughts started? Or possibly I'm just having a manic episode. This is a possibility due to being schizoaffective. Either way, I need to deal with it. I am running out of energy from pacing around too much. I even went to sit in the smoking chair in the garage, to see how I would feel. It didn't do anything, except the air STANK like old cigarette butts. I do feel somewhat better than I did a half hour ago. Still thinking about it, but it is not overwhelming. I've been smoking since I was twelve. Most of my life. I really want to quit. I will quit this time.
  10. not stinking, not being a failure, healthier, easier to breath, more money saved
  11. I can't think of any ways smoking will help me. It might not even relax me at this point
  12. that makes sense. I am obsessing over it
  13. I'm just not sure what to do. I think i can make it till 11, when the store closes. Then it is very unlikely I'll buy any smokes tonight.
  14. I will wait one hour before I decide to buy a pack. This thread is for me to work through this.It helps to write.
  15. I've been "wanting" a smoke for about eight or nine hours nonstop. would you call this a craving? I thought they were only supposed to last for a few minutes. But it's been hours. It seems more like a mental thing, not as much as a physical thing. It's like an intense discomfort that isn't going away. Is this normal? My other quits werent really like that.
  16. about 15 to 20 maybe? not more than 5 days in a row I failed on the coffee thing, I will just do smoking for now ooops
  17. I want it bad enough. I can do it.
  18. We were both supposed to quit thursday. I quit, but he keeps "sneaking" out for a smoke. I haven't brought up this to him yet, although I feel I will have to soon, as it will take BOTH of us to quit to save up the down payment for the braces. I'm not going to "bitch" because I know this is hard enough on him with out me nagging all the time.He'll do it, I know it. But it makes it twice as hard for me with him still smoking. Especialy when I'm the schizophrenic one, and also have anxiety disorder.
  19. 16. And then also our 11 year old son willl need braces in a couple of years too.
  20. I've been trying since january 2. This is my fourth or fifth attempt. I have to quit for financial reasnons. I am mentally ready. Not right now. I'm trying to use as little as possibe. Only at the worste times.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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