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Oldybutmouldy last won the day on December 23 2017

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  1. So I've spent a little while doing something that always manages to pick my mood up (watching feelgood stuff on you tube), and am feeling a little better now. Spending time on you tube watching some amazing people... so am just going to try something I know we used to be able to do on QSMB, and if it turns out ok, hoping it is not against forum rules (have not checked to see), but don't remember anything in the stuff I've seen previously. This amazing young girl reminds me so very much in so many ways of my god daughter Zoe, who died of breast cancer in august. They are both beautiful strong women....
  2. Everyone gets depressed sometime...…. I seem to be depressed all of the time, but I have this most wonderful mask that I made that hides it from everyone - we all have one - the one that we call our 'everyday face'. My everyday face normally has a wide smile on it, one with crooked yellowing teeth that is just a silly grin, but it hided the real me that I almost never show to anyone. Those closest to me are the only ones that see my real face more often than not, but even then, I have another mask that I try to keep in place to stop them from sharing as much of my pain as I can, because I love them deeply. I'm here today because it's Christmas and just 3 years and 3 days since my mother died. I had gone sick from work to live with her during her last 3 months of life. She had dystonia from when she was 52 years old, which caused the muscles in her neck and one side of her back to pull her over until she was walking with her head down by her knees. She needed elbow crutches to walk and a wheelchair if she needed to walk more than about 20 yards, but she remained a very strong woman until her death. Those three months were the worst part of my life, but I kept one or other of my masks in place throughout it until the very end, when I could not hold them stable any more. And after she finally died I just collapsed and kept myself numb for months...…. oh god, this is so very, very hard, but so very necessary for me to face up to right now. Need to stop for a while.
  3. Thank you both.... I suppose I just need to stay in here a little while and find my way around the different places - at least it will give me something to try to concentrate on and help with the distraction techniques!
  4. Thank you all, so very much.... really appreciate this place and all you lovely helpful peeps right now.
  5. NOPE! I don't smoke....
  6. Thank you all for your responses - I really appreciate them. I guess I am also struggling more with my depressive illness also right now. My mum died on 20th Dec. 2015, so Christmas time is now also not a very easy time for me anymore. I am going over to my goddaughters to help look after the children mostly every other weekend currently, to give their dad and their grandma a bit of a break. I know I will continue to not smoke, as it has cost me a lot to get this far, but as I said at the beginning, I just feel so lost and alone right now. Knowing this community is here where I feel I can at least let a little of that out is very helpful..... so thanks again for that. I used to access QSMB previously to help me when I first quit, but it seems that forum is no longer available. I am really glad I also signed up on this forum. I think maybe I will see if there is a 'pointless' section on here where I can just ramble and release some of my pain rather than on the SOS board. I normally shut myself away from life and most connections with people when I am really struggling like I am currently, but I will try to keep coming in here, if only to just read and maybe react to some posts. I am also spending some time just watching Joel's videos again, and that is helping me. Unfortunately, mainly due to the fibro, but also to some degree to the CFS, going for walks to release some of the stress is no longer a real option for me. Guess I will just have to stick to parking in a field gate and going and sitting in the field whilst throwing a ball for my lovely dog will just have to keep me going on that level. I hope you all have the kind of Christmas you like best. Kind regards..... J
  7. It's my one year quit and I am finding just typing this really hard. Life over the last few months has thrown me a couple of curve balls that I am having a hard time coming to terms with, and earlier today I found myself wanting to go out and buy a pack of ciggies for the first time in over 8 months. My goddaughter died in August leaving 3 children all under 11. I was really struggling with a job I love and had to give notice and finished just last week. One daughter is agoraphobic and the other one is pretty depressed so needs a lot of support right now and on top of this I have Fibromyalgia and CFS, the symptoms of which have really been making a nuisance of themselves for a while. I am finding it really hard to distract myself and cannot seem to settle to anything and keep hopping from one thing to another like a demented parrot. I just feel lost and a little out of control.
  8. Did I get the booger off the end of my nose yet??
  9. Not One Puff Ever again...... Happy New Year to you all...
  10. Fantastic job...
  11. Way to go Jules.....
  12. Yeah..... just grab the rail and hang on.... keep coming in to NOPE each day, and educate yourself... Joel's video's are de best!
  13. Welcome John.... I learned early, as you probably also did, that there is no i in team.... great that you use 'I will'... but remember the last word... will! You are right.... you made it through afghanistan then you can also do this.... the board will be here, as the info is also here. Use Joel's video's till you can repeat them word for word. Take care and safe hugs... J
  14. So that's who nicked the blasted turkey;;;;;

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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