Hi, just wanted to introduce myself. After being a smoker of 20 sometimes more but strangely never less puffs a day for 30+ years . I started my final quit on 1of August this year.
I had been promising myself I would quit but always found a million reasons why I couldn't do it at that time "I'll do it later" was my mantra..!! So I went to my local pharmacy to join their cessation programme. We decided 12 weeks of patches and lozenges, I blew into the carbon monoxide detector and .. oh my the alarm went crazy all the red lights were crazily flashing red.. I was in shock at that wee machine, I came out with my NRT stuff and my quit date (a few days later) and immediately lit up (well I was in shock and NEEDED a puff to calm down!! Right??) As I walked home I realised that that this experience (flashing lights and alarms) had scared the bejezus outa me and I knew the longer I left it the more the chance I would find a reason not quit on that date and just be back in that cycle of buy a pack, promise this is last pack then say ocht next time... buy pack, promise this is last pack then say ocht next time..!!!
That was the day I went cold turkey and here I still am. Geez it's been a right roller coaster ride at times but things have really leveled out for me now and I am holding a really strong quit working on making it Titanium..
I should also say I am a member of another support forum but I would like to be part of this forum too as I know I can now help others struggling on their path. I hope this will be ok with you all ?