(((((Aaawww Jo))))), my fellow smokebusters, you really are going through the mill with your darling little princess, she is a teen in training (its brutal I know) and trying to find her feet, I have experience of this , I've survived 5 little darlings and all they could throw at me..haha My thoughts are she's either angry (not getting her own way or some other wee thing has tipped those oooober sensitive scales) or she's hurting (worried about something maybe at school (does she have a solo talk or something like that coming up soon??) or something as silly as not having her fav jammies, socks or something like that to hand.. Either way you are her rock and she takes out her frustrations on you because she knows you can take it and more importantly will love her NO MATTER WHAT.. (they really don't realise that there words can crush us inside as we always stand tall for them) And guess what she may well feel like a wee powder keg and need to vent too.. I won't quote as it was hidden content but Iooks to me like she was lashing out at her rock cos she knows her rock will always stand tall infront of her to protect her... NO MATTER WHAT.. Then there's the fact that you need to remember things have change since we were wee and teens are now teens way before they reach 13 not just in their thinking but their hormones kick in earlier too...Yay lucky us right.
Don't be hard on yourself and do take most of what she says with a pinch of salt.. That's what us mammies are for
Then we have the GO JO nearly but didn't have a fag..
Way to go Jo, you won another battle with your nicotine demon every battle you win you get so much stronger, you might not feel like it at the min but when things settle a wee bit you will realise how strong you really are and I promise it will give you a great boost and you will be so proud of yourself as I am of you for making the right choice and holding on by your bleeding and torn fingernails hunni..xx
Geez oh.. just realised I have havered on a wee bit to much.. Sorry..