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Wee fluffy me

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Everything posted by Wee fluffy me

  1. Kippers Jillar... really..?
  2. Nice one chickeedees.. -1
  3. And out came man flu.. I put in a hot water bottle
  4. Oh fur fudge sake..... Just seen this and realised I didn't put a fudgin lie...!!!! Must have been cos I was Sooooooo excited to win.... 1 .. true my son wa3 3 and he ran through the water fell down the hole and got shot back out with the pressure of the water and many hands grabbing him..!! (And the mother of the year award goes to.......) 2. True.. it explains itself .. good for a flood bad for a tsunami... 3. True.. that's how many steps I had done to that point.. So.. it's a free for all.. fight(quietly cos I've had all the shrieking i can take for 1 day!!) amongst yourselves
  5. It's Thursday it's NOPE...
  6. The latter... I am as pure as the driven snow.. You're amazed right.. but close your mouth.. it's rude to dribble and stare .
  7. Hello.. flyin visit.. went to go into a game but found masel here instead.. haha..:3_grin:


    Ps..  luv what you've done with the place..:4_joy:

    1. notsmokinjo


      Thanks Chook... Yeah I've gone for the minimalist look, less housework that way



    2. Wee fluffy me

      Wee fluffy me

      Please note, I'm not that is not stalking you.. merely the slip of a finger...?


      Now I have explained, I shall be on my merry way.. ?


      I bid you cheerio the noo, until the next time my finger slips..?‍♀️

  8. Ya belter.... at last... 1. When my oldest son was wee I lost him in an open (spraying) water hydrant 2. I live at the top of a the highest hill way down low in a valley.. 3. I have taken 14278 steps so far today Ok.. Dafty allert... I thought I posted this half an hr ago
  9. I have nothing to confess.....
  10. Can't believe this was out in 1984.. where have all the years gone
  11. Stint
  12. 2
  13. Need other drugs
  14. I'm confusing myself.. keep wondering who this new person posting is, only to find it's me..!! Stupid profile pic.. gonna go back to my 'I see all' eye.. numpty..!!
  15. If you haven't seen it then you don't know what your missing..
  16. And out came George Michael.. I put in a box of black magic
  17. Welcome Cosmos, jump in, you'll love it here, we are a great bunch and don't bite (Well most of us don't)... Looking forward to getting to know you
  18. Yep.. I thought it was my lack of caffeine that I couldn't find them.. but ive checked back 4 pages .. but sorry slippy life's to short... So I'm with Jillar on this cos who couldn't fall in love with huskies.. if that is in fact what they are.. HAUD THE BUS....I've decided to opt for 3.. so that we all different and for all i know Katie's pooch could be a stunner..
  19. Awwww.. I can only find Jo's.. ... I'm tired and hungry (not really hungry but keep stuffing my face anyway) So haud fire until I've got my hands on a cup of coffee.. Pleeeeeeeezzzzzzzeeeeee
  20. beazel.... OMG...OMG.WhoopWhoopeeedoooo.. BIG..BIG congratulations on reaching a MAHOOOOOSIVE 1 year ya auld pharte hope you party in style on the lido deck.. You are a great support and I am thankful to sharing this journey with you my furry friend..
  21. Where do I see these puppies before i give an answer...
  22. -5
  23. Too charged, honestly
  24. Pppppffffttttt.. -1
  25. NOPE from me And whoop whoop.. beazel is an old phart today..

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