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Wee fluffy me

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Everything posted by Wee fluffy me

  1. Sure not beetroot too??
  2. -2 ( going up in Grace Brothers fashion ?)
  3. Hello and welcome @TravellingSunny, sorry to here about your mother of all bad days but I'm so glad you are here and ready to get this show back on the road ? How's things going today your first day quit (if you're on the 21st, that is ?)
  4. Why is it when somebody tells me something sad or horrible my first reaction is to say "oh you're joking" (not as in hahaha but as in wow that's unbelievable) what a total numpty....
  5. I have purchased a razor y'all will be happy to know and I will introduce my pins to the great outdoors for the first time this year tomorrow??, cos I can't be arsed tonight... hahahahahahaha ??????????
  6. Oh my giddyaunt, what you still doing up at this time @notsmokinjo ???
  7. Whoop whoop @Grund, Mega Congrats & welcome to the 8 month club buddy...??
  8. Apart from hogging this thread I'm wondering where everybody is..?? Am I the only one who doesn't have a Saturday social life..??
  9. -4
  10. Whiskey in the jar - Thin lizzy What about our non boozy friends..?
  11. Licker
  12. Hello my fabulously fantastic quitting friends ?

    1. beazel


      Good morning Wee Me! have a lovely weekend!

    2. notsmokinjo


      bit late but hey Fluffski.

  13. Omg I went onto full screen and ...... I have a ticker and it's a wee bit off keelter....!! Math Sausage
  14. Flints(ones) Stone
  15. Sandwich
  16. Yabadabado ?
  17. Ok wondering over.. the sun has left my wee part of the world .. thank gawd I couldn't find that razor.....??????
  18. -4
  19. Tavern Squabble
  20. Fight
  21. (^^ luv the Jam) Surrender quietly
  22. Can I have the popcorn done in toffee?? Cake .. fresh cream (Victoria) sponge or chocolate fudge cake..
  23. Ounds delicious.. I've never made them but I've still got pumpkin in the freezer so will look for a recipe and give it a bash, makes a change from treacle, cheese or cherry? Easy cheesy mushroom toasty
  24. and fe fi fo fum out came an Englishman??? And out came a bunch of privileged elite from the 4 corners of this wee baw....? I put in a wee row boat...
  25. Oh fur gawd sàke.... geez oh I'm trying to lose my 2nd and 3rd belly do you really think I would have a salted caramel doughnut 3 days in a row.. ?? 1 True.. I have 1 buttons egg left and 1 Malteser (my boss gave me it, he has no taste cos the chocolate is poo) and 1 oreo egg left (hope the egg itself Is untainted as i luv a Cadbury egg) 2 lie.. normally I only have it one day a week as a wee treat but had a testing week so only had it twice did get it on 3rd day but just drank the coffee and let the kids fight it out for the doughnut.!! 3. True.. I made a bloody lasagne on Wed and yep Thurs sun was splitting the trees and nobody wanted it...!! Now I need some time to think...?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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