Okeydokeys then, where to start..
Think this is the right place to post as you lovely peeps are a wealth of information... ?
First time calorie counter/ food watcher needs some advice on where to start please..
So, in my almost 50 years on this wonderful planet I have been blessed to be able to eat what I want when I want and always remained around the same weight about 9st/126lb/57kg only ever moved up drastically when pregnant but fell off soon as wee ones popped out..
(Ok they didnt just *pop out* but nobody needs the gory details)
Soooo almost 9 months into my quit and I'm really starting to pile it on even more now than in the begining I am now 11st/154lb/69kg I weigh myself once a month and put on 7lb/3.1 kg this last month..
I walk around 7 miles a day and am active most of the day not much sitting to be done..
I know I eat rubbish and am really still in the treat yourself mindset that I was in the early days, you know the need a puff = sook a sweety, needed a puff didn't have one = a KK doughnut etc, etc, etc... only now I hardly have any cravings and when I do they not actually cravings more notions but I'm still feeding my face, hell I don't even need an excuse anymore ? I fear this is going to be the hardest habit to break.
I should add I don't do excersise or running, not my thing just don't like it at all and don't want to force myself to do something I hate cos that would be punishing myself and I won't do that..
So I know I have havered on a wee bit but I really don't have a clue where to start, well I do obviously doughnuts first things to go ? but you know what I mean, is calorie counting really gonna make any difference ??
I'm maybe looking to lose about half a stone to 1 stone 14lb/ 6.3kg or a wee bit less (most of fat yes it is fat has went onto my belly, not pretty at all,I look like I am 6 months up the duff..!!
I fear this is gonna be harder than my quit ?