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Wee fluffy me

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Everything posted by Wee fluffy me

  1. -1 We've had nothing up here, just a wee bit windy yesterday but one of the weans is down in Coventry and said it was a jaw dropper.. Oh and thank you yep I'm quite the baker if I do say so myself.. Do hope she shares...?
  2. -1 Morn slippy aye glorious here again.. Did you have any of the storms?
  3. whoop whoop.. 6 months already Jo it doesn't seem that long at all.. I want to take this opportunity to say.. I luv ya missus? you are a true team player and a total star, thank you for everything you do in this place though I often wonder if you are an alien life form because you NEVER seem to sleep...? (not that there is anything wrong with aliens right enought, I get on with anybody or any thing so Please (see I'm polite too) remember that when you take over the planet..????) I hope you do something to treat yourself, maybe a trip to get a wee rum baba ? But in the meantime I made you this..xx
  4. Wellies, but only purple ones....?
  5. -1 Mornin all..
  6. On this glorious bank holiday Monday I say NOPE... @notsmokinjo in Britain it's a spring holiday meant to be a day to enjoy the last of spring but it doesn't actually finish until the 21st June..!!
  7. 16
  8. Seems impossible x
  9. Offer
  10. Stop now
  11. Feeling enormous doughnuts ?
  12. 16
  13. Boob
  14. Party bus
  15. 16
  16. 16 Yeah good here but bloody starvin waitin on bbq firing up..!!
  17. Fairy garden
  18. You
  19. Magic wand
  20. 16 G ? how's you
  21. 16 Helloooo everyone again...?
  22. 4 Afternoon Andy, how's you doing??
  23. Ooopppss this one was for @WeegieWoman no porn involved..?☺? Brilliant, I do luv a 1 stop shop, not been to Matalan for yonks gonna get hubby to take me for a wee ganda (i don't drive and they always plonked in the middle of nowhere!!) So where you off too then weegie??
  24. Sheesh... really sorry forgot to post this... Ooowwww winner winner Nandos chicken dinner... 1.. true, no more Katsu chicken wrap or mozzarella pasta(with salad) bran flakes and banana all the way ( I've never ate a bran flake before in my puff) 2.. lie.. I have not had a doughnut in almost 2 weeks now.. (yay go me) though I have had a cheeky wee cupcake (2 bites and it's gone kind though I milk it and take teeny weeny wee bits at a time and make it last my whole small coffee (yep downsized my coffee too) 3. True.. was sooooo shattered at work on Tues, in fact we all were (we have put it down to heat exhaustion, due to all this sunshine?) anyhoo the red bull didn't give me wings so wasted a quid..!! This made me sooooo sad slippy cos I thought I was doing so well and I didn't even think about the sugar content in the bloody thing?? Jo, I know, I lecture kids and adults every day on the dangers of that bloody stuff, it was just that once, I promise. I tried it, it was sh*te.. ? And on a happier note.. It's over to you my dear @notsmokinjo P.S. Still got my now 12 day old krispy Kreme doughnut just sitting in its poke and it's still not mouldy..!!

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