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JB 883

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Everything posted by JB 883

  1. The first time I learned of vaping about six years ago, I was at a night club. Some tall, uppity looking woman was there with what looked like a cigarette and I asked if we were allowed to smoke in here (very few places allow it). Anyways she explains it is an electronic cigarette, and it is just harmless water vapor coming out. So I wondered what the hell is the point of "smoking" water vapor? I do that every time i take an extra hot shower and the bathroom steams up. I didn't ask but it just sounded stupid. I started to see vaping people out in public. Something about the way they did it and carried themselves screamed one thing - DOUCHE BAG. Like walking around all proud of their electronic cigarette like they were somehow sticking it to the man. At least cigarette smokers typically try to hide their habit. Vape people put their habit on display. I asked someone about vaping and they explained you had to buy a bunch of stuff to get started. That and it really wasn't much cheaper than smoking REAL cigarettes. People say they quit smoking but they started vape. That is not quitting, it is making a lateral move. It is like when a drunk quits drinking only to start downing bottle of cold medicine. Lateral move. And that vape exhaust? The huge obnoxious cloud smells like someone puked after eating an entire bag of Halloween candy. Vape companies are fighting tooth and nail to say it is not harmful or at least less so than cigarettes. Kind of like Camel said more doctors smoke camel. Cardiologists, lungologists, and even anusologists agreed. I think the MOST healthy and most cost-effective is to not use ANY form of nicotine. BTW, yesterday i had to go see a "cut the mole off the back of my legologist and her assistant smelled like a cigarette. I wanted to blurt out, "It smells like cigarettes" but no, if someone is chopping flesh off your thigh, it is best to be nice.
  2. Realizing that I was now over 40, I figured it's probably a good time to quit taking my health for granted. That was the nagging thought that was always on my mind every time i lit up. Plus, I had racked up a few "four hour quits" over the years. Steps - One thing that helped was hearing someone I know say "I gotta have my ambien!" I thought, "Am I as hooked on tobacco? That's pitiful!" I mean jeeze! I wondered what life would be like without needing a cigarette all the time. I chain smoked when I wasn't at work. Last time i wondered what it would be like to do something big, my life changed for the better. So I was gonna quit on Oct 2nd 2017 but of course it only lasted four hours. I thought, "Alright, I will allow myself three cigarettes a day (down from 30) but Friday I need to quit quit. I gave away the rest of my smokes (about three packs worth), got rid of my cigarette machine (one of those top-o-matic type machines) and cigarette tubes, and that Friday Oct 6 at 5:30 AM, took my last hit. I was highly motivated to quit. I was having problems breathing, I was coughing a lot, breath rattling at night worse than ever, I was scared. I used to joke that I would probably die by age 60. But that meant less than 20 years to live, if my guesstimate were accurate. If the "11 minutes off your life per cigarette" average is anywhere close to true, I have lost about three years. No big deal but the years I am around will be better without smoking those stupid-ass cigarettes. What does my doctor say? Besides telling me to get my diet under control (groan), she says my lungs sound perfect. I doubt they ARE perfect but at least they are not getting worse.
  3. One month is harder to reach than one year. Those of us who have been around a while have seen several people come and go. Some of them last a day or two then just give up. Some though will last several weeks, things look good for them, and then they just relapse. Try not to be one of those who comes in, is all hyped about quitting, then just gives up and goes back to cancer sticks. What kept me hanging on was the realization that if I could go a few days without smoking, I could go as long as i wanted. After nearly a month, one should think, "This ain't nothing! I can cruise through this life without smoking no problems." Besides, cigarettes are just a pain in the ass that one can do without.
  4. This is my experience - Probably nothing good really for the body, however, it does help with certain things - Like driving. When i smoked, I didn't notice as much how people tailgated, swerved in and out of lanes, didn't bother to go on a green light, or how a red light meant "Four more cars may pass if in the turning lane". As soon as i quit smoking, drivers got a lot worse. Smoking helps keep a more solid break schedule. Since one NEEDS that smoke, the break is taken at the correct time instead of like non smokers such as me just taking it whenever.
  5. The good news is that the lido deck is closer than you think, meaning you will make it. The bad news is that the lido deck is closer than you think, meaning time REALLY flies. June 21st 2019 you will be thinking, "has it really been a year?" Anyways, for some of us, the three month mark is an especially important time to be on guard, ready to tell the nicodemon to f*** off because he may try to creep in. You know, I remember when you first got to this forum you were really struggling and hurting. But you didn't cave. NOW look at you, three months without smoking. You got this.
  6. On Oct 2nd 2017, I tried to just quit quit. That lasted four hours. So I decided that i would just take a few hits when I really craved. I basically went from 30 to 3 overnight. The three that I allowed myself - it was just when i really needed a smoke that I would take a few hits. I decided though, "I still need to quit this" so I decided that Friday would be my dead last smoking day. It would be the weekend so i could be miserable in peace. Friday, Oct 6th, 2017 at 5:30 AM, I smoked the last stump of a cigarette. I have not had any sort of tobacco/nicotine since. I think cutting down before quitting CAN help one quit but you need some kind of a plan and NEED to stick to it. Once the day and hour comes that you decide you no longer will smoke, stick to it. I am an advocate of the "cut back" method. That way you can kind of get used to the withdrawals but it is not as big a shock as immediate cold turkey.
  7. Coming up on my first year here. After i made it through three entire days, I at least knew i was able to quit. I think it took about a week before i was mostly OK. I never had a crave at three weeks which is amazing because i was at a friend's house one night as she was smoking weed and tobacco and drinking etc. The three month mark about broke my quit. I was doing fine then out of no where, had worse craves than I ever have. Anyways, yeah it is hard to say but most likely by a week in you won't feel real bad and by two weeks you will start to really feel normal. However, random craves do come and go.
  8. Ok so here is a video where he rigs a terrarium full of cotton balls to a suction pump, wastes probably, about $160 on cigarettes (30 packs at say $5.XX a pack). Of course the music is REALLY cringe worthy, sounds like an anime cartoon? Imma break it down, what the great JetBlack learned, what happens when you let a terrarium full of cotton balls smoke 600 cigarettes. First, note the "Chris Notap" thingy that is always visible, we don;t want to forget who made this video. Someone might think one of the other 10's of 1,000's of people trying to get popular on youtube made it. After the first pack, the cotton balls start to turn yellow. After 5 packs, they start to turn brown. Now BEFORE you smoke five packs, make sure you ate the rest of the pumpkin pie so you have something to put the cigarette butts into. Also, pumpkin has nothing to do with incest. Pump-kin, get it? HUUUURRRRRR HUR HUR HUR HUR.... After 10 packs, make sure you get a bigger pie dish. This may require your fat-ass aunt Gertrude to eat a large pie. You save the pan for cig butts. After 30 packs, the terrarium turns black. If you used one of your catheters for this experiment like this guy did, they will be black also. You might still be able to use it for urinary purposes though, just wipe off the outside real good. Of course there IS that one company on MeTV always advertising free catheters, so you could spare a couple. At 2:29. you notice your lungs have become burnt looking cotton balls full of tar. The good news is you can use them to paint, if you are an artist. Or even if not. I always though we had just two lungs but but in this video we see we have several dozen lungs. Around 2:40, he is not able to clean the tar out of the terrarium very well. I bet if he had used a Brawny® paper towel, it would be clean. At 2:45, he demonstrates what Jack the ripper did to his victims. At 2:50, we notice he has a little fun by finger painting. Nostalgic. OOOHHH ALSO - 3:38 - 3:43 - THIS is the part to avoid because it is the "like and subscribe" part that pretty much infests ALL videos in youtube. Just hearing that may drive a stress-smoker to relapse. But of course you cannot because you already let the terrarium smoke all your cigarettes. So yeah, I TOTALLY got this video. I smoked for 15 years. Had jack the ripper caught me, he would have sliced my throat and scooped out the tar to finger paint. THAT is what actually killed smokers in the UK in the late 1800's. But even today, I am glad i do not smoke. I bet a video about the effects of over-eating might feature something about how Jefferey Dahmer finished his victims. Like well done.
  9. What exactly is he hoping to accomplish with this useless goal?
  10. The worst part of vaping is that it is the douchebag method of ingesting nicotine. Kind of like driving a Toyota Prius. They walk around doing that vaping crap like it is SOOOO cool. Also, they claim vaping is less toxic than cigarettes. Somehow I find that hard to believe. Think of this also - a smoker puts off a little bit of smoke with each exhale. A vape slave though puts off more smoke/steam/whatever than a ninja ever did.
  11. I do not know who this guy is, but the video is educational AND entertaining. I must ask though - does U2 still actually make money? Not of me to call anyone out on a fib but this time, weeellll, not so sure. So the needle dicks at Phillip Morris are litigating nations over the plain cigarette wrappers? AND, were they can get away with it, they still advertise a lot? Every time i hear things like that, it makes me even more pissed off at tobacco. They just will not give up trying to kill people will they? And they are litigating small countries that do not have much money to begin with? What kind of chicken shits are PM anyways? On the part where he said something about photos of lung cancer, let us be thankful that smoking isn't as big a contributor to colon cancer. And if it IS - please no one post any gross photos about it. I think more people might try to quit smoking if they knew how ruthless and careless about the public's health big tobacco is. At the end though, I am delighting in how pissed off big tobacco (especially PM) must be about Jeff.
  12. Well bakon, might not have been much you could do since stupidity isn't a crime. But for the scene, if you are an artist, you could design and patent that cartoon and maybe make a little $$$
  13. There was that nervous initial leap on oct 6th 2017, and honestly after three days i thought, "alright, I can do this". But still nerve racked. When the three week battle never arrived, THAT is when true confidence set in. But yeah that initial leap, oh yeah, the days or hours building up to it suuuuuuck.
  14. Yeah but then when they DO pass on, your brothers will probably be there wondering what THEY got left in the will.
  15. Not too much excitement here really. I was gonna say though - just what is it about older people and gambling/casinos? For my step-dad's recent 80th birthday, his daughter hired some company to go in her house and set up a mini-casino for the party. in previous years when there was just a casino boat here, they went to that. The casino boat was on some river, taking advantage of some loophole where it was legal to gamble on water but not land. Anyways yes, us "kids" need to make sure our parents are properly baby-sat.
  16. Wow. Ok so, let me say that you have a shit-ton of willpower in keeping the quit. Some smoke more when stressed, some smoke more when happy (like I did). I imagine most smoke more when stressed. Sounds like his falls are more of a non-event. About them refusing help - Yes, aging parents are stubborn as an old mule. I guess no one wants to face up to the day that they are no longer on shape to take care of themselves. I am not in much position to give "advice" but sooner or later they will end up in the hospital and you might have to secretly get social services involved, find out what options there are, etc. Home hospice may be the answer. When my mom was to a point where she just could not live on her own due to failing health, one time I had to call an ambulance because doing it myself was just beyond my ability. I am no medical professional. But with home hospice, a nurse comes by the house to make sure things are taken care of, gives meds, brings whatever needed medical equipment, etc. And if you are wondering, yes, my mom died in her own home when her time came. Just call one of the home hospice places and find out what requirements are. It is not a fun decision to have to make but when our parents are older, WE become the care takers. Our parents sure as hell are not going to say, "Oh great! Oh yes, I am thrilled about the prospect of making final decisions!" No, it is more like, "I don't want to think about it right now". This might seem overwhelming but you don't have to do this on your own, in fact you probably can't do it on your own. BTW, I asked one member on this forum to contact you about caring for aging parents, but I do not know if this person is in a position to right now or not. If they do, don't be surprised or anything.
  17. Yeah that video was RIVETING! Wait til you see the thrilling videos on youtube about paint drying! People were screaming and passing out like when the Beatles first hit the stage.
  18. Looks like two of our own are going to smoke... ...but not cigarettes.
  19. I remember when you first came aboard. You had just quit, and now look. Eight months without smoking. I would like to ask though - was your wife able to quit as well? You mentioned she is a smoker.
  20. Thank you everyone. I wonder if I can make it another month? Probably. One thing for sure though - it doesn't seem like Oct 6th was 11 months ago. Kind of weird. Lot of stuff happened in the past (might as well say) year.
  21. Yeah we are awaiting our latest supervisor also. There is always apprehension but it is seldom as bad as we imagine.
  22. The reason that ad helps people quit smoking is because people kill themselves after having heard that same old tired-ass song AGAIN for the umpteenth time.
  23. So this was a while back but one of my friends goes, I swear, "I cannot find anyone who wants to have an intelligent conversation about politics!" He was serious as dog crap on the white house lawn. My head hurts right now just remembering that statement. Intelligent conversation about politics? That would be like having a testosterone-charged conversation about the Aqua song "Barbie girl" or finding humor when someone just had a heart attack. Or better yet - trying to talk about the health benefits of smoking. **** ain't happening. So what did YOU hear and your head said, "What in unholy temple of the F***"
  24. I thought at some point they made it illegal to show smoking on TV, even in movies or shows? I knpw cig commercials have been banned for decades but i thought recently they couldn't show it on TV period? But yeah when I see someone on TV smoking, I think for a moment how a smoke would be nice but it is not an overpowering thing.
  25. TSHHH people cling for LIFE to their nicotine habit don't they? It is pathetic how people just GOTTA HAVE that crap. Watching stuff like that is my biggest motivator to stay away from everything nicotine related. "Oh no I cannot live without my nicotine. I just GOTTA have it! I might die if I don;t get that precious hit!" QUIT SMOKING! QUIT VAPING! QUIT CHEWING! Pathetic POS's

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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