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JB 883

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Everything posted by JB 883

  1. As reciprocity said, yes the early milestones ARE a big deal because the early days are the hardest. The further you get into a "quit", the less any one day really matters. Wait til you get to day seven, an entire WEEK, you are going to be super proud. Like "Wow, now we are talking weeks instead of days!" For you, day three is coming, which is the day all nicotine is gone from your system. I would say that is probably the biggest milestone. In your cleaning, destroy all tobacco products, get rid of ash trays, and anything smoking related. MAYBE hang onto a lighter or two as they are practical tools more than they are smoking tools. with ditching the cigs and ash trays, yeah you might think "what if..." but no, time to get serious about quitting. Plus if you have NO cigs around, it will be less convenient when the hardest craves hit. If they are there, you just pick it up quickly. To be honest, NOT having smokes laying around is the only reason I managed to "keep my quit" early on. Yeah, just try not to be one of those people here who relapses every few days. I mean screw that. If we give in to the cigarettes, I would think future quits would be harder because our nervousness of not being able to quit was affirmed. Not using aids - That is actually best because stop-smoking meds just prolong the suffering AND are probably not cheap. Use that money instead for extra groceries for when you start to enjoy food again. Oh yes, taste and smell come back strong. Your gut will say, "Now it's my turn!" Just do not get hooked on soda, THAT addiction is harder to break than tobacco/nicotine. Of course as we reach milestones in our quit, we wonder if it is even a good idea to mention them since people post photos of things like fat men in leotards dancing, or a fat drag queen with more makeup than Tammy Fay Baker holding a cake, or other "less than sexy" photos. Funny unless you are trying to eat and happen upon them.
  2. I think day one is the worst really. During that first day we are nervous and thinking, "Can I even do this?" but then after day one you realize that yes, yes you can. Of course cravings are still at their worst but you know you can do it. In fact, the nervousness part is worst just the day before quitting. Day one you are doing it, day two you have a bit of confidence built already, day three you know the nicotine is mostly out of your system, day four it IS out and by that point, the impulses to smoke should be getting weaker. Yes there is the crave but that internal impulse is getting less. One thing I did during my first few days was going on a house cleaning spree. Bedding, laundry, clean the walls, scrub the white furniture in my room etc to get rid of smoke stains as much as possible. Something to do other than smoke.
  3. Seems right after the holidays is about the time winter has already overstayed it's welcome. In December when the first snow falls people enjoy it but then after new year, ready for spring.
  4. Frezflops - Sunday for us it will be a high of 33. Yes, 33. I bet you are SO jealous. But it is gonna snow. I figured the Brits probably got some pretty serious winters like most places in the USA. Of course we must exclude Florida, namely Miami because I think they have never had anything less than 40 degrees. Lucky shits... But yeah today it got up to 20 degrees farenheit in Indiana and it felt strangely warm. Pretty sad when 20 feels "warm". Though the temps have been hovering just around ZERO for overnight lows, somehow we get used to it kind of quick.
  5. Cold turkey is the least expensive and probably is the best way. Nicotine replacement therapy just prolongs the problem. Yes you might have some withdrawals, I imagine everyone has slightly different versions. maybe sleeping more than usual, depressed, getting mad easier, etc... There are a lot of articles and videos about quitting smoking. They do help because one is likely to fall asleep reading or watching and we know we cannot smoke when asleep . Informative but not quite "riveting". thing is once you do have some quit time finished, you will notice your breath does not rattle like it did before. You wake up with less of a "morning mouth" so to speak. Just try not to smoke again thinking "I can quit again" because even after one solid puff, you are likely gonna be back to square one.
  6. Yeah it is normal to miss it. But then you start to think - we also tend to miss those really bad relationships we had with people who basically were not worth a damn. YET, we would not go back to them cause nothing good would come of it.
  7. I am for now but I have a few new year's resolutions. I am going to start... Drinking Smoking (again) Chewing tobacco Over eating junk food Spend money more foolishly and Save less money Getting more into debt Spend more time sitting on the couch Paying less attention to family and friends Cussing a lot more and definitely more road rage Going to church less Wishing away each day Be less grateful for what i have and instead be more jealous of my neighbors Discussing politics at inopportune times. Get addicted to porn Did I miss any? On a serious note - no I am not gonna start drinking, smoking, or chewing. The rest of the list though...
  8. I am going on three months since I quit blackening my lungs. Most of the time I am OK but there are days and moments when I want one. The two things that keep me from doing it are - I have no cigarettes and do not feel like buying any. I know I would just be back to square one. Sometimes i worry about relapse because some people do. I cannot quite figure out WHY someone would relapse after months or years of not smoking. Oh sure if someone relapses during their first week or two, that is understandable cause the desire to smoke is still pretty strong. I guess we always have SOME level of desire but it weakens. For those who DO light up after so long, what is it like? I imagine it to be pleasant somehow, like the first hit off the first cig in a brand new pack. But more often than not, people report otherwise like it is gross. So which is it? I am not about to find out, just wondering.
  9. You mean no one loved sizzlean?
  10. So basically the same thing as EVERY website on the planet - begging for likes, wanting to be the most popular etc.
  11. Both your parents died of smoking related illness. With that in mind, just what is it going to take for YOU to stop smoking? Who would even WANT to start smoking after watching their folks both die of it? That along with sharp pains in your chest, yeah it MIGHT be time to quit. Who knows how much damage is done BUT - you will be pleased with how much better you will feel when you quit smoking.
  12. Unless a forum is only on Day One, there is always a thread like that already. Here it is for this place.
  13. alright I fixed it. When I made that post, the cherry to my cigarette had fallen off and I got distracted. OK kidding, wasn't smoking.
  14. Start the video at 50 seconds to not have to sit thru the boring part where he digs for his car. The song is only about 3 minutes, not sure why the extra time at the end. This one is a spin-off of Jingle Bells. I thought about showing this to my room mate but her stupid ass would probably say "I wouldn't mind driving something like that" and be serious as dog crap on Princess Diana's grave. One thing though, this rusty chevrolet he is driving is an eye sore. But on the other hand, at the ending where you hear those bells ringing, it really puts you in a christmas mood. EDIT - Thanks reciprocity I fergot the link.
  15. Boo, all I was saying was you may be out of personal storage space on the forum to upload and post more photos or gifs or whatever. I think we each have something like a 5 MB limit. It has nothing to do with what you post but how much that may be causing your troubles. At the bottom of the posting window when it says "Accepted file types gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png · Max total size 4.88MB", that might mean 4.88 MB worth of total uploads (unless one deletes some stuff to make room for new) Marylandquitter may be the best one to ask to know for sure.
  16. Kind of interesting how there are habits harder to break than smoking. I expected to be flopping around on the floor screaming based on thinking heroin or crack would be harder to break. I ain't never done those though. You want a hard habit to break, try giving up sugar. So anyways - I think this forum has a limit for any given user to upload, unless links are posted to a different site that is hosting the photo. What you may have to do is delete some of the older photos in that "babe of the day" thread if you uploaded them instead of linking. Someone who actually knows how the forums works for sure would have to verify that though. AND if THAT doesn't work, on the "babe of the day" thread, you may just have to describe what she looks like and we will just have to imagine. Now we have all "enjoyed" ourselves to desperate material before at some point (pics we drew, Princess Diana commemorative plate, those old morning workout videos, Sears catalog, that drag queen holding the cake that Bakon keeps posting...) but perhaps the most desperate is having to use our stupid imagination. Well shoot, on that note maybe figure out real quick why you cannot post before something horrid happens.
  17. Does that mean like if you spent the night camping outdoors and the camp fire is still going, ready to heat up breakfast?
  18. First week has to be the toughest. Keep at it and it gets easier. Good job on on the first week smoke free.
  19. I think at this point the very worst part is over. There is the nervousness beforehand about "can I really even quit?" Of course the seemingly constant impulses to smoke for those first few days. Cravings will come and go even after several weeks. Little over 10 weeks in and I sometimes have days where I am dying for one. Even by day four though we know we don't NEED to smoke to get through the day. Just try not to forget that if we take even a hit, we will soon end up back at square one. Oh yes, there ARE thoughts of "Just one hit ain't gonna hurt" or "I can just quit again" but then we have to go through those first few days of suckfest which you have already made it through.
  20. JB 883


    Indiana - We have some chilly overnights but so far very little snow. I think the lowest it has gotten is 15 degrees. So, hard to really call it "winter" just yet. Now when you mention drinking hot chocolate, are we talking Swiss Miss with marshmallows? Milk or water? I prefer milk. I know home made hot chocolate is better but for packaged, Swiss Miss is best. Just think though, in some cities like Miami, right now the weather is 78 and partly cloudy. Those poor souls have to drink COLD chocolate as they strip down by the air conditioner. Meanwhile for many of us, December means temps about as cold as a vampire's "lady parts".
  21. I don;t know if fighting with Bakon would be a good idea. This short clip shows what he might be like in action...
  22. So Bakon, I am guessing based on the shirt and another post you made in a thread that you are law enforcement? so let me ask about something - We know in any job, the workers never do things good enough, never fast enough. We hear, "How come it isn't perfect? Why is it taking so long?" So in police work, do the bosses do the same thing? Nothing is ever fast nor good enough?
  23. I am glad I am not the only one who thought that also.
  24. The cigarettes are randomly thrown in there making it look like more than what it is. Not that smoking is healthy by any means. But it does show one compelling reason to not smoke - If you keep doing it, you will eventually end up having a hunchback kid. OR maybe that is showing how many cigarettes that little girl smokes in a year? Man, she is going to have lung cancer before her age hits double digits.
  25. I think you said it was your sister who is the primary care giver? Ok so - for you and your sister, is your mom paying your bills or giving you a place to stay? What i am getting at is - What would you two have to lose by just chucking her in a nursing home? It sounds like she is more of a problem than smoking cigarettes (or not). Remember this - one should not complain about that which they need not subject themselves. So if arranging to have your mom put in a nursing home is an option, you can either do that or just deal with her BS. If you two HAVE to deal with her, then yes, complaining (venting) is alright. And abusive? Just what is some 80 year old woman going to do? Spank or beat you and your sis? That may have happened when you were kids but today, it is not likely a threat. Even if but verbal abuse, you have GOT to stop putting up with it. Maybe it is just me who feels that way. I have always been told (in different manners) that it is best to get rid of toxic people in one's life, especially if they are not doing you any favors. I think it is easy to tell someone "Just do not smoke no matter what" and it sounds good but if there are huge stressors getting in the way of quitting, those must be dealt with. Smoking is but a peanut in a bigger turd when it comes to life problems. Think of this, they say smoking will not solve problems. However, to stop smoking is not going to get rid of external problems. Get rid of the external problems (like getting difficult relatives or acquaintances out of your hair) THEN watch as quitting smoking becomes easier, your happiness increases.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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