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JB 883

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Everything posted by JB 883

  1. After extensive research, I have discovered that this is Bakon's photo from when he was a kid. Yes, i saw this on top of the gas pump today when i went to fill up my car. This explains a lot.
  2. The devil is making you listen to that sinful filthy god DAMN rock and roll music! Now, just how welcome is a fart in a space suit?
  3. Opah, here is one to make you laugh - We have all heard the saying "If you are doing what you are suppose to, you shouldn't be nervous if the boss is around". Makes sense, however, why then are bosses always so nervous when THEIR bosses come to visit? We used to have this manager who would get really jumpy when she knew the big wigs were coming. Her fat disgusting ass would jiggle around like a bomb hit a jello factory as she would try to get things done.
  4. Reci - What about the options for someone to buy their own tubes, bags of tobacco, and a machine like the top-o-matic? It has a crank on it. When I smoked I used to smoke about a pack and a half each day and the cost was only about $10 a week, $1.25 a pack. They were not very good or strong cigarettes though but better than $5 a pack for pre-rolled.
  5. Everyone is depressed. It is the "in thing" right now. I went to the hospital for cellulitis last November and the majority of questions i got asked were about depression, self-harm etc. I have never went to the doc for something so silly as being sad. What the hell does cellulitis have to do with depression anyways? Cellulitis is a deep skin infection. I guess they thought i was going to self-harm over what was basically a nasty wound. If someone has the luxury of being in the web, they live indoors, not incarcerated, not starving, and have at least some positive human interaction a few times a week, there isn't much reason to kill yourself. If someone has never raised a rotten kid, they do not know what stress or depression are. Jumping from drug to drug isn't the answer. Quitting smoking isn't always easy. We have to pay some dues. It is like this - if your life belongs to YOU, as in, no nagging spouse, no rotten kids, not in jail... You are free. Get out and enjoy the fresh fcuking air and sunshine.
  6. It may have already came but you missed it. If you are still on dial-up, they probably got a busy signal. Does anyone here ever wish they got even MORE junk mail in the mailbox? Like maybe more of those united obama insurance things or like my room mate got where she would get a free tree if she attended a seminar?
  7. I think the only reason nicotine MIGHT be harder to break than cocaine heroin or whatever is cause nicotine is readily available and totally legal. Not like you have to watch out for cops if you have tobacco in your possession. So how come then when you see on TV about certain types of addicts - Tobacco users are usually everyday clean cut types. Alcoholics are sloshing slobs. Other drug addicts are missing 1/2 their teeth and are generally about as gross as a typical Walmart customer? Yet they want to put smokers in the same group as some meth or heroin addict? Fcuk them.
  8. Well Jo, I doubt anyone has a solid explanation, aside it is probably some cheezy love song. I think the video below might shed some light on the subject. AND - How come a lot of my youtube suggestions are "ethnic" things like G-daddy pimpabitch or some disgusting rapper or actor? Here the the moon video -
  9. I think the first measure of a "foot" was equal to some random guy's foot. But does that mean the inch was equal to the length of some inadequate guy's "anatomy"? Like the guys who try to date me?
  10. Reci, yeah it is bizarre. But sometimes that is the image the media tries to sell about quitting nicotine. Let me be the first to admit - if all that insanity was involved in W/D, I would just assume smoke the god damn things instead of go thru all that.
  11. Jesus humping christmas trees, it took FIVE tries to hit the vein? What kind of an incompetent dipshit was doing your blood work? Anyways - by now I imagine that coffee is causing some awesome endorphins to kick in. And also, try to remember this event when you are tempted to smoke, You made it thru this BS so you are strong.
  12. They say cigarettes are harder to quit than cocaine and heroin? We have all heard that before. I do not know, I have never tried either. However - Why is it the image we see on TV or PSA's or hearsay about someone withdrawing from cocaine or heroin looks like a horror scene from a movie complete with screaming, raging, thrashing, flopping around on the floor like a Pentecostal church member, being shot with tranquilizers but still acting like they are being possessed by the devil... And yet, nicotine/cigarettes are HARDER to break than that? The worst of my own withdrawals came at three months and even at that point, it was nothing more than irritability and wanting to shit-slap someone. No screaming, thrashing, acting like that little girl on The Exorcist... Someone on this forum said they might be acting like cigarette quitting is worse than hard drugs because of companies trying to sell crap like patches, chantix, etc.
  13. As soon as you get the medical stuff over with you can at least enjoy coffee. Just hang tight. But yeah if you are trying to give up caffeine as well, perhaps wait until a later time. Giving up one addiction is bad enough, maybe conquer that first then think about others.
  14. About when it is time for so long. But we will take a hit off one last bong. Thanks for doing your part, you smell like a fart. You know with me and you, and little boy blue. He needed the cash, to buy some more hash. So - When song titles have names that would cause confusion, do they do that for comedy? Like the Taylor Swift song "Call it what you want". Would it go like this - "You heard TS new song?" "Not sure, what is it called?" "Call it what you want".... Similar problem with the Metal Church song "It's a secret". Would this confusion and the cliche as hell jokes cause eruption in the space-time continuum?
  15. It helps also if no one around the house smokes. Kind of to add what lin quitting said - yeah when you are not smoking, you have more money or at the very least if you are broke you can say, "At least i don't need money for smokes".
  16. There is a good reason - You see, the plate was the first dish to exist. But then cups, bowls, spatulas etc came along. By then they had invented the dish washer. However, they forgot what a plate was called and they figured out you could wash all kinds of eating things in this new machine. They did not want to call it a plate/cup/bowl/spoon/spatula/fork/spoon/knife washer, so simply - Dish washer. Something like that. My son once saw a headline years ago on MSN - "Are we heading towards the next great depression?" He said it was about emo kids. Is that true?
  17. At some point they decided that pointing was a way to draw attention to a screw-upper. Since it is rude to point, should we make a point to NOT point? would that be rude or polite?
  18. Sslip, your very name implies clutz. No one knows WHY just that it may be fact. NOW - How come when we are at a new acquaintance's house, sitting on the toilet, TRYING to be discrete, why is it then that a super loud fart sneaks out?
  19. @onthemark - Is there an unintended extra zero on the "cigarettes avoided"? 295,450 avoided in 2 yr 8 months would mean smoking about 300 cigarettes a day. So often people trying to quit use sugar as a substitute, like hard candy. What is it about sugar that helps with nicotine cravings? My replacement was Pepsi. As in, I tend to drink more of it now.
  20. JB 883


    Normally when I share too much information, I post nude pics of myself on craigslist along with my home address. As a courtesy to would-be guests though, I also post when no one will be home so "friends I have not met yet" don't stop by looking for me. EDIT - Reci, are those, are those... Bakon's hands?
  21. JB 883


    Kids are alright as long as the unruly ones are kept out of sight and sound range. Who's hand exactly?
  22. Weegie, because they are TOO SEXY to the point of being indecent, like wearing lingerie in public. Walmart might allow it though. So, I hate people in general. It is weird that I sometimes feel that people in solitary confinement are lucky to not have to deal with humans? I could write a book about this, being how i generally hate people. But here are some key points - The better looking you are, the more they want to chat. If you go out looking your frumpiest, people will probably leave you alone. But yes, some are clueless. They do not pick up on body language. If you do not specifically tell them to fcuk off and die, they will try to chat.
  23. The fact is, all smokers eventually quit. The only question is - under what circumstances? Did they die of something smoking related? Did their doc tel them they have cancer? OR... Did they quit on their own terms like many of us here? Struggling to KTQ in the beginning is a price we have to pay. And yeah, the nagging thoughts of why it would be Ok to smoke creep in. My most occurring one is "what if they are not as bad as they say?". But the thing is, we smoke just one stupid cigarette and it screws up the quit.
  24. Oh yes, close to the three month mark like the OP and Gabes are at, the fight becomes serious. Like we are doing well, put down our guards, and the crave attacks like never before. It can last a few days for sure, it is NOW that you have to fight with everything you have. It is worse than the three day or three week marks. To this day I do not know how I survived. BUT, as the battle and craves slowly subside, you know you have won. Do not give up now.
  25. Coming up on six months smoke free. I ain't sure about this journey. Kind of weird. So it is like this - I honest to god did not think i would last. My attempt at quitting on Oct 6th was 1/2 hearted really. I remember thinking, "if i actually last one month..." But the first three months were not even bad, not even the first few days. At three weeks i was at a friend's and she was smoking weed and a cigarette (some disgusting ones like Maverick BLEH! ). I had no desire to smoke anything even when someone is there puffing away. She looked like a welfare woman that night. So right about Jan 6th, my third month complete, craves hit harder than i thought possible. I did not give in but I was irritable, wanted to try a pack of every brand that exists but especially one brand called True cause I thought they looked really cool. Got on my old smoker's site to see if they still existed, if they were good etc. I am not sure what stopped me from buying. I would look over cigarette displays to see what they had. So now i worry and wonder when the next hard battle will hit. That three-month battle blind-sided me. I know some relapse after years of quit and I think, how, why? Don't they know it is walking back to hell? I do though notice some here had smoked like 40 or 50 years but are still around. I smoked 15 years and I often think, "Well shoot, I prolly could have smoked another 25 years and been OK". Yeah I still want it. Nights like this, I want to try different brands, see if they are as pleasurable as the ads said. So for physical stuff - I had read that after so many months or whatever, one might cough up nasty blackish stuff as the lungs clean themselves. I have not experienced this. Is it too soon or did my sexy lungs just not collect any tar? Smell and taste still work but I am used to having them now so it does not seem as intense as when i first quit and they came back. For a new addiction - Pepsi. Yep, it plopped it's butt RIGHT where Miss "Eve" used to sit. (Eve was my brand, I still love her but I will not let her take my life away.) I have forgotten what it was like to have to cough a certain way so my breath would not rattle as I try to sleep. So yeah I have no clue what is going on or how i refrain from relapse. I am not one for pledges and promises. It is like apathy. SO... if anyone needs advice on how to keep a quit, do not ask me because I do not even know how I do it. Maybe cause Eve is $7 a pack and i prefer not to spend the money.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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