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JB 883

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Everything posted by JB 883

  1. There is some good news here - As we know, smoking/tobacco use is a LOT more than just a hit of nicotine. It is a lifestyle. There is a fair chance you will go through a few days of "fog" but honestly, it isn't that bad. I guess it is like a watered down version of being stoned. Do try to be a little more careful during this period if doing anything dangerous if you have physical job or whatever. To be honest, i kind of enjoyed the relaxed feeling of the "fog". You quit smoking more than a week ago so the habit itself should start subsiding by now. You might be expecting this big, nasty, horrible crave to hit during a possible Fog but that is not likely to happen. You gave up the other elements of smoking so the last one, nicotine, won;t be missed much, if at all. The best thing to avoid nicotine and tobacco completely is to not have any form of it around. having an "emergency" supply would be too tempting. Let friends/acquaintances know you are quit. They will be reluctant to give you a cigarette even if you do ask. Most important, tell the nicodemon to phuck off each day. He will try to creep in, believe that, but you tell him where to go, he leaves with his tail between his legs. Some thjread on here described him as having a stench of death and maggots falling out of his mouth. Holy crap if THAT doesn't discourage wanting to smoke...
  2. JB 883


    What are you talking about? Bakon can't read!
  3. I do not have a ticker just cause i prefer to keep my posts "minimalist" with no signature nor picture. I do that on all forums though. Besides, in the unlikely case i DO blow my Quit, it would just make me feel worse to look at a "trophy" I did not earn or had to give back.
  4. Not sure what this is about, maybe something got you down? But do not forget this in any case - You are part of the Quit community too
  5. The terrible 3's are now done. While minor battles may come and go, the big ones are finished. Doing awesome.
  6. Seven months is awesome. No turning back now.
  7. Your first solid month. You are past three days and even three weeks. Things should be relatively easy at this point. Hang in there, we are proud
  8. You could also wait til you hit 30 days which is a solid month. That would give you another week and then some of acquiring gold stars. Of course the longer we go without smoking, the less of a big deal the time seems. But then saying "over four weeks" many be more motivating than saying "30 days". Whichever psyches you up best of course. One day after a few months you probably won't want to sit there and try to figure out "how many days" cause it will be in the 100's. Just really commit to memory the feeling of beating the craves. They do come and go, and sometimes hit the hardest when we have our guard down, when we think it is safe. But then you think, "I made it this far without caving, I can do this".
  9. JB 883

    Our Gardens

    The religious answer is that the anti-christ came and caused the world to flip upside down. Yeah whatever. The social answer (and more likely the fact) is this - When those two sunflowers were just buds, they had a disagreement. Instead of resolving things and "agreeing to disagree", they are both pouting and wanting to be right. One of them is going to have to be the bigger flower and just let things go. You need to go give them a stern lecture about how they are acting.
  10. Well not just smoking but any form of tobacco is bad. The worst is chew. I mean it is gross and vile and BLEH. EDIT - I use NO tobacco but have chewed before. It is horrendous. Like putting a piece of poop in your lip But as we know, unless your name is Keith Richards, you cannot just poison your body for years and expect to live long. How the hell do some people survive like that? If you are struggling to KTQ - You think you got it rough, imagine being that guy and trying to quit. He just couldn't at this point. I mean it just could not happen no matter what. YOU, on the other hand, have a chance still. For Sunny - You are handling this. Yes, stand like a marine and realize you can beat the cigarettes. Giving up the quit - Stephen Hawking certainly would not stand for it. Ok that was a BAD joke but yeah, hang in there.
  11. Actual romance has caused more people more problems than tobacco ever has. Giving up tobacco then diving into a relationship (that probably won't work) is called "out of the frying pan and into the fire". For Travellingsunny - the desire to smoke does decrease over time. Not sure how long til it is gone gone but it does decrease, I assume you have noticed it. I do not think we can stop them from trying to creep in any more than we could stop thought of sex when we were younger.
  12. Phucket. So, my back has been hurting for a few days and now i know why - The other day i got a package in the mail, it was kind of heavy, not something i should have been lifting when I get out of bed at the crack of 2:00 PM. So I go in with it and then some old creepy guy knocks on the door, holding a bible, asking if I knew Jesus. I said, "yeah, I think he is suppose to replace the gutters on this house". He just walked away. I got to thinking, maybe it was JEsus and not "HEYsus". This back strain must be bad karma. Now my room mate - she is mostly cool and all BUT - she is about as dumb as a rock. Nothing is ever her fault, her logic is a mess, etc. The other day she broke one pane of the window in her room. Bakon, I am gonna let YOU say it. In fact, I insist that you do. Sometimes i wonder though if maybe everyone else is dumb and she is the smart one. NAAAAHHHHHH. So on a good note, I am sleepy, my room is nice and cool because it is cool out and I have a fan in the window, tonight's sleep is gonna be righteous.
  13. Sazerac - because my nerves are a mess without them. I am easily annoyed by stuff and also was before i started smoking. brand new ela - Sometimes weird triggers do pop up. Thje best defense we have of course is to not have cigarettes handy. Or just we gotta tell ourselves "no". I went to get gas today and they had smokes for $3.50 (normally close to $6) I looked but then just thought, "No, isn't worth throwing out my quit. Besides, they will go back up soon as i am re-hooked". I do not really associate with any smokers so avoiding the temptation when around them - I have no advice.
  14. I am at 7 months and so far the only real bad time was exactly three months in. I was rummaging through some old magazines and of course every other page is a cigarette ad. I would love to smoke really but probably best to avoid that bad habit
  15. h yeah I guess 7 months is this day. Thank you folks
  16. You gotta be careful of ANYthing connected directly to FB. Maybe it is tin foil hat'ish to think but FB tends to scrutinize and spy harder than a stalker's wet dream.
  17. Oh yeah, temptation pops up and we think "just one" or whatever. Just keep in mind that while there are and will be rough days, overall it gets easier. Many people "quit" but don't last even three days. You are at two weeks today. For 14 days you have proven you can do this. Ain't no need to go back to being the FIRST day of quitting. So ultimately. which would you rather be on the forum? One of the "What ever happened to so and so?" OR one of those who, in the future, newbies see your quit date and think, "I wish I had that much progress". I think you will be here a while and KTQ. Two weeks is surely enough that the ball is honestly rolling.
  18. You see, Mrtitwank is trying to quit wanking. But in the same manner that everyone here is battling the "Nicodemon", Mrtitwank is battling the "Wankodemon". yeah,
  19. My user name jas nothing to do with my lungs. Mine probably don;t look that way.
  20. This may not be the board for such a joke but what if someone who thought big was trying to quit but said, "Just one carton won't hurt"
  21. Right now I am wondering if "No one ever" said something like, "I love it when I get a good case of diarrhea!"
  22. Does this thread have something to do with Chuck Conners?
  23. Oh dear God. Those two may not use tobacco but apparently their relationship is smokin'
  24. What horrid grammar. It is not "Now I is old and dum". It is "Now I BE old and dum".
  25. The article seems a little exaggerated but at LEAST for once someone is talking about how e-cigarettes are not the answer. They mention smokeless tobacco. I somehow doubt the sales of that will increase. Anyone who has tried it knows how disgusting and vile it is.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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