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JB 883

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Everything posted by JB 883

  1. Linda I am going to try to put someone in touch with you who will understand what you are going through. My question is - why don't your brothers get off their asses and help?
  2. Damn I did not even realize that soon it will be a year since i used any sort of tobacco/nicotine. Thank you all folks for the congrats Well Tammy, it looks like you are coming up on two months before long. I remember when i quit, I could not even imagine being quit for ONE month. But I think it is mostly true that once a person makes it through three solid days, that is the worst of it. Even at three days, one KNOWS they can go at least a full day without smoking. Some people quit "one day at a time".
  3. Men without hats.
  4. You do not know that for sure. She might want to come over and practice some hardcore S&M. She might show up in a leather teddy, cracking a bull whip... Probably would not want tea just yet.
  5. Jillar i tell you, I do not even like being on the same planet with those stupid things. Let alone my living room. So for my "unwanted" - Stuffy house guests. "Stuffy" like elderly right wing conservative christian republican old school value people. They probably wouldn't even have the decency to participate in our household's daily devil worship ceremony.
  6. Every time i hear about someone developing a serious illness due to smoking, I am all the more thankful that i quit on MY terms. I Quit while I was ahead. I am wondering though about voluntary VS forced quits - So we know the voluntary quitters go through withdrawals, craves etc... Is it less so when someone gets really bad news from the doc (a "forced quit" if you will)? I still get stupid desires to smoke sometimes, usually when something really cool happens. As far as the workplace goes, it is now "cancer" free. I mean for real, that supervisor, holy turd-smoking hell, she was PITA. Just like old, crotchety, micro managing, etc. Like a cancer of the morale. I butted heads with her a few times. Whenever I used expressions like "getting chewed out" or "micro-manage" she got pissed like i was telling a lie. I think a few of you know me a bit by now. Wouldn't you say i am quite tactful and p.c. in the delivery of my opinions? Can you imagine ME saying something in an abrupt way? So what about voluntary Vs forced quits and the degree of withdraws?
  7. Kind of hard to find a smoking place these days. I do know that where i am going after i die happens to be a smoking section in it's entirety.
  8. yeah bear with me on this... My supervisor who happened to also be the most hated person working at our shop finally got the boot. No, not like the kind of boot you put on your foot, more like the kind that is put up your butt when your services are no longer needed at work. I thought someone was joking when he first told me. When i realized it was real, i cried tears of joy. This happened just three months after my criminal neighbors moved out because they are running from the law. The head of household was some short fat guy from a state here in 'Murica where everyone has the same DNA. I know THAT narrows it down quite a bit... You see, the thing i hate worst in life is being forced to deal with people I cannot stand. NOW the two people I hate most are OUT my life. But anyways, in light of the supervisor getting DA BOOT, I told the guy who informed me of the firing, "If i still smoked, I would be outside right now sucking down a dozen cancer sticks in celebration!" I have been having weird cravings to smoke lately. Not real bad like at three months but just, I don't know, I guess i need to really watch my step as to not lose my quit. Bad events do not cause triggers for me. No, it is good events. I guess I smoked more to "celebrate" than relieve stress. But yeah I didn't want A cigarette yesterday, I wanted to smoke a whole dozen at one time. And in case anyone is wondering what it looks like when someone at work receiveth DA BOOT, here is a diagram...
  9. You are in first place for contributors to the forum. People take you serious as a quitter/non-smoker. You kind of have a reputation to uphold here. You start a lot of the threads in celebrations. It is all good. If you were to relapse, that would look really bad here. You are not even the first to have a real close call though. The point is that you didn't smoke after all. And yes, there are some hidden triggers that surface time to time. I know when i am doing a project around the house that is bigger than just cleaning, the urge to smoke hits. I never do but it is kind of annoying.
  10. Yeah sometimes during craves we imagine the cig to taste awesome but in reality - it would probably be nasty as hell.
  11. Quitting tobacco is great. However, giving up everything else that is not good for us and it comes to a point where one would have nothing left to enjoy. I mean yeah after nicotine, one could give up alcohol, other drugs, caffeine, sugar, marijuana, internet forums, being out in the sun, watching TV, sleeping late... I think most humans have at least a few of those addictions. My big ones are excessive sleep and way too much sugar. Of course there are the non-physical goals people strive for like saving more money, paying off debt, going back to school, losing weight, or whatever. At what point does it go from living to merely existing? People are happy for a little while in the aforementioned pursuits but so many relapse to their old ways. Why? Cause the road to hell is paved with good intentions. "Oh but you were doing so good..." Yeah but he/she wasn't happy. I am not trying to be smart alec here, just wondering why people seek out ways to torture themselves.
  12. Often though with smoking laws, they are trying to bust clerks or stores that do not check ID's when selling smokes. I doubt the cops are going to be out trying to bust kids over smoking. They ain't got time for that. Raising smoking age from 18 to 21 is just a token effort to pretend they give a damn. Honestly it is like they are mocking the problem, especially since it is still legal to smoke at 18. Why not raise purchase age to 40? THAT would really be good for a laugh. Most nicotine users started before 18 anyways, I am guessing 13 to 15 is the most common age range. There ARE very rare instances of late starters like me when i was 27 but ain't no one going to say, "I want to start smoking/vaping but i am not old enough yet." Tobacco/nicotine laws are a big joke. Aside stopping stores from selling, they really cannot do much to stop anyone.
  13. It really isn;t practical to try to clean everything in the house if you smoked indoors. One could scrub every single floor, ceiling, wall, etc, wash every cloth article that they can fit into a machine, and what not but there is only so much one can do. For the car or house - what about removing tobacco smell from the HVAC system? Febreeze it while it is running? Not like it is practical to scrub in there. Or on days when it is nice, throw open all the windows and put fans in a couple. One should do that anyways just to rid stale air. May not be possible to eliminate smoke smell 100% but eventually it wears down to barely noticeable
  14. Boo, not saying what another member should post but the way you just described smoking is kind of making ME want a cigarette. At one point in time you could have sold that writing to big tobacco to use for an ad (except the "It's a lie" part) For a successful "on one's own terms" quit, one does have to be ready. For candocouldbe - Try to look at things like this also - at least you are quitting on your own terms instead of having some doctor tell you reasons you need to quit. One member here was told by the doctor, "If you keep smoking, you will lose your feet". Something about blood clots.
  15. Am I the only one wondering what the hell the point of this thread even is? It would be like if my super overweight room mate went on a fitness forum and said, "I could go to the gym and hurt, sweat, run out of breath or i could sit on my fat butt and scarf down another entire bag of candy. Decisions decisions". The only difference of course is on fitness forums, everyone calls each other "brah" or whatever young testosterone calls it's fellow males trying to be hyper masculine.
  16. There will be some distress when quitting but it won't last for years. So smoking 47 years. That is a little longer than i have been alive. Each of us has to decide for ourselves what the right choices are, how to live our own lives. I am in no position to give advice to someone 20 years my senior but will say - If you decide to quit, this is one good place for support and info.
  17. Well Jo, the board will know if you relapsed even if you give no other clues - it will be if you are ever away from the board for 10 whole minutes. "AWP! She stepped out to smoke!"
  18. So basically the TLDR version is - You are getting craves recently but have not actually lit up, correct? It can take months or years for the craves to completely stop. Sometimes there are bad days when we really want. Just do not be like some here who were quit for over a year then relapsed. Also i do not get this - So many people beat themselves up over a crave (even if they do not light up), having a smoking dream, watching someone else smoke, etc.. What is there to feel guilty about if you didn't actually smoke though? Humans have thoughts and desires for a lot of things that are not good or even off limits.
  19. No matter how long we are off the cigarettes we are not off the hook as far as occasional craves go. HOWEVER, the first few days are the worst. Once you get past them, you have proven you can go even more than an entire day without a smoke. There is NO point in lighting up again. You are doing awesome. Wait, it has now been five days. See? Trucking along. Do expect your appetite to do strange things but it is just part of the healing process.
  20. They won't feel guilty if they get cancer? That is true. No, instead they will feel like total shit. Cancer isn't exactly a "so what if I get it" ailment. Are they expecting to rot away while alive and think, "glad i paid my taxes so the hospital can prolong my suffering". That was one of the main reasons i quit - I thought "what if someday I were diagnosed with cancer?" On this side of 40, one starts thinking about silly things like, "what shape is my health REALLY in?" The cost of smoking was nothing - rollies cost about $10 a week even at 30 cigs a day.
  21. Still seems like it would be something nice to have if the kids wanted. I have about four of them from school. Grades 1, 3, 7, and 8. Had one from 5th grade but it got swiped the last day of school. That was one of my few good school years, what i would not give to have a copy. Never got one in high school cause I hated what few people I knew. It was mostly stuck up suburban brats. I never should have been there but our old urban neighborhood that we grew up in wasn't good enough or some shit. Parents wanted to move to the suburbs with all the snobs. Eh anyways. Of course for those of us over 40, looking up people we went to school with is kind of scary. Old, fat, bald, sagging, etc. Something satisfying about seeing that. I am over 40 but when i tell people my age, they almost seem shocked. One comment I heard from a friend's mom was "I didn't think you were THAT old". I looked up one lady on FB who every guy had the hots for back then. Well today she is not quite as pretty. Looks like someone who would be smoking meth WHILE shopping at walmart. My only thought was - HA ha. Well damn now I am all off in left field.
  22. OH HOLY CRAP! So this morning I stopped to get gas. Same gas station with the photo of some kid licking a window (probably Bakon's childhood photo) but anyways - There is a black and white photo in the door of some kissing 16 year old. It was a full body shot and i swear - she was holding a cell phone as if taking a pic of herself. Like the millenials are so bad now that they want photos of themselves taking photos of themselves. I Honestly thought it was some kind of weird joke at first. You know how you can tell what decade a school year book is from by the hairstyles of the students. My middle school ones from the 80's featured big hair, spike cuts, and mullets. But anyways, do school year books of the 2010's show photos of students taking a photo of themselves? Do the nerdy kids have smaller cell phones or flip phones? As far as the missing girl, i hope no one took away her phone. Those things are life support for a millenial. One of their physical needs - food, water, air, shelter, phone
  23. It actually didnt take long for my smell and taste to come back but yeah I imagine it is better now than at the three month mark.
  24. Wayne yeah that is true. In AUS i think one lousy pack is like $20 USD or about $25 AUS ? I do not get why the feds in any nation try to get people to quit smoking. Aren't they making decent bank from peoples' bad habits?
  25. Alright fair enough. So does that make you a non-smoker or just a non-tobacco user? It just reminds me of when i was 19, it was me, my brother and a friend in the car. I was sitting in the back seat drinking a beer. My friend said in a condescending tone about open container laws. Not two minutes later, him and my brother are in the front toking away on a joint. And no, weed is not here now and was not legal then. It is funny, tobacco users are the first to admit their habit is not good yet pot smokers will argue to no end that their habit is ok. I have no clue about edibles. Doesn't sound good but cannot be as bad as smoking whatever.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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