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I Got This (T)

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Everything posted by I Got This (T)

  1. R???? I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt and assume that was meant to be a 2..... soooooo 1
  2. Yeah that' a good idea.... Maybe start a chatbox thread where we can just post when we're in and when we leave..... kinda like that game threads.... just one continuous thread type of dealy.......
  3. That's why we should have a couple different times.....
  4. -1
  5. -2.... lol
  6. False..... olives are evil.... pretty sure Hitler invented them..... NP is a clean freak....
  7. -2........coming back for more, 'eh Joe???? I'm starting to think you like the slap when us chicks win the game.....
  8. -1
  9. Yay chicks!!!!
  10. -20!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!
  11. -18
  12. -14
  13. -12....... you all may got sticks but we got the magic portal of life
  14. Getting reeeaaaaaallllll tired of the "it was easy for me" posts. If anything that alone is very damaging to someone who is new in their quit. I'm only a litte more than a month in and it is still very hard at times for me...... especially at work.
  15. -14....
  16. -14
  17. -10
  18. Yes and I could vent to you about drunk stupid people..... lol
  19. Well that's why we should do more than one....for those in different time zones or with conflicting schedules, ect.......
  20. -7
  21. -4
  22. I assume that's a -3..... sooooooo -4!!!!
  23. Maybe we should have NOPE meetings once a day (or more) in the chatbox.???? The chat box is a great feature, but is so random when people are in there. I feel it would be great to set up a time or times of day where people can meet up and chit chat. I feel it would be very beneficial for quitters new and old alike.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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