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I Got This (T)

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Everything posted by I Got This (T)

  1. Why are my pictures so damned small
  2. I made it two weeks!!!! YaY me!!! I've never gone this long before in a quit. Super exciting. I GOT THIS!
  3. Sooooooo Sausage Gobbler is a no than??
  4. I had a really rough night at work. We were very very busy. I had a couple of craves,but nothing too bad. But my mood swings... They are rough. I cried 4 times... One time I went into the walk in fridge and just bawled my eyes out... I find myself getting irritated less and less, but I'm super sensitive. I hope it passes soon, no one wants the bar tender to hand them their screwdriver with tears running down her face
  5. -3
  6. That's good, because lately I feel a priest needs to be called to bless whatever has died in my ass... They are pretty bad.....
  7. LoL Doreen!! Too cute
  8. So I was at work, and it was a super stressful day. People being rude and annoying, drunk people being loud and obnoxious, customers breathing too loudly, ice being too cold, ect. Anywho, I was out in storage getting supplies for the bar and one of the cooks was out there smoking. And I was so irritated from earlier, and freaking out, and then DillHole is out there smoking,my brand even, how dare he??!! So I farted.... One of those silent but deadly ones.... And that's how I know this quit is for good.... When I'd rather smell my farts over cigarettes
  9. Holding my breath for as long as I could, then exhaling... Gives you a little rush, like smoking super fast..... And root beer barrels
  10. Oooo.... I can do Crown, too....well use to.....I'm too chicken to try it after my latest experience....but I'm OK with not drinking.. I can do without the hangovers and so fourth.... Even if I wasn't hungover the next day, I always had a general feeling of blah the next day. I never drank because I enjoyed the taste..... It all tastes like sock sweat to me..... I drank for the buzz and general euphoric feeling. So I drank to alter my mood/have a good time..... Which is the addict in me..... Sooooo I think it's safe to say I'm pretty sure I'm giving up drinking as well.... And I'm OK with that.. Actually feel pretty darn good about it
  11. Pfffft.... Clearly you haven't watched internet porn since AOL 2.0.... All free now
  12. Breakfast for dinner tonight!! Sausage, eggs, home fried potatoes and blueberry muffins.. Yum!
  13. I have a full bottle of Jack Daniels in the freezer (- the 2 shots I had the other night) normally it would be gone or almost gone by now, but I can't bring myself to even try one shot to test the waters. Just the smell of it makes me cringe and gives me goosebumps. Oh well,one less thing to cut out I suppose.... Now if I can only cut out the soda!
  14. I have read numerous posts about people losing their quit after drinking alcohol. But I am wondering if anyone has had an aversion to alcohol after their quit?? I use to enjoy a few drinks a couple of times a week. I have avoided drinking until now because I knew how much I enjoyed smoking when I have had a drink or four. Well tonight I caved and had 2 standard size (1oz) shots.... and I hate it!!!! Not only am I NOT craving a smoke.... But I hate how I feel!!! I in no way feel more calm or relaxed or buzzed or happy or any other feeling associated with drinking... I feel anxious and paranoid, I have heart burn, I hate this foggy head feeling and the idea of having another drink makes me feel ill. Has anyone experienced such a strong dislike for alcohol after they quit (and not because the crave got worse after drinking) Edited to reiterate it did NOT make me crave... It made me ill.. Not only do I never want to smoke.... But I never want to drink.... I can't believe I use to enjoy this feeling...
  15. 3
  16. Sleeping.... And eating... Sleep-Eating

    1. Doreensfree
    2. Stewie


      As long as you dont smoke.

    3. Jenny


      I did the same in the beginning. Staying busy is key.Well done!


  17. Since I seem to have a bottomless stomach since I quit smoking, I've been enjoying cooking more so than normal (don't get me wrong, I've always had a passion for cooking, just enjoy it that much more now) Tonight I am making beef stew with homemade rolls.... And for dessert I made pineapple upside down cake. Yummy

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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