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I Got This (T)

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Everything posted by I Got This (T)

  1. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1eu0PtSdSNo" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. He's been in a lot of people's mouths.... gross
  3. Mmmmmmmmmmm.... Processed pork fat >drool<
  4. -16
  5. -13.... Thanx!
  6. -11!!!!! Bring it creepy bird mask dude!!!!
  7. -11!!!
  8. I smell bacon, I smell pork. Ruuuuuuuun little piggy I got a fork!!!!
  9. -11
  10. I see Boos....
  11. -8
  12. I will commit to one year on this forum with all you fabulously crazy people!! <3
  13. That's what I figure. I'm gonna give it a couple of weeks then slowly start cutting out the soda from my diet. This will be extremely hard for me, but I know I'm stubborn enough to do it.
  14. -9
  15. So true!!! I rarely drank enough to have a hangover the next day, but I've had a few in my time. I had 2 standard drinks last night, same as before. Normally I'd feel all warm and fuzzy and good. Now I feel worse after 1 or 2 drinks then I did before I had them, no pleasure at all, zilch, nothing. Now my brain is like why bother??? You don't enjoy it anymore and your body clearly doesn't like it. Why do something that twice now has done nothing but make you feel like crap?? Sooooo goodbye alcohol, it was nice knowing you. Tell Cigarettes I said Bite Me!
  16. It's official.... I'm also not drinking.... Ever. I had the last 2 days off so thought I'd try having a couple of drinks. I didn't get as sick as before, but still got sick. I got absolutely no pleasure whatsoever from it, nothing. I ended up dumping the rest down the sink.
  17. Meatloaf, augratin potatoes, broccoli and garlic bread
  18. I have lots of inner voices.... They keep me company.
  19. Got it early this year.... Got strept throat + pneumonia in September.... Missed a week of work... Still smoked during it...ewwwww!!!
  20. Literally..... Warning TMI Alert..... So I have tried quitting once before... But I don't like to count it because I cheated.... A puff here a puff there..... Nothing more than 1/2 a cigarette a day.... But still smoking. What broke me 100% of that quit was the extreme constipation (and severe withdrawal symptoms since I'd still have a puff here or there) I am 100% devoted to this quit... It's my first true quit ever...where my body has not had any nicotine in any form in 2 weeks. The constipation is better... Still not where I was pre-quit days, but better. But the gas is bad....reeeeeaaall bad. I'm glad I got rid of the cigarette smell...but this is bad, too!!! It's only a bonus when someone pisses me off and I can walk by and crop dust their asses! Otherwise it's really annoying and embarrassing. Anyone else experience "digestive issues" ???
  21. What do hamsters and cigarettes have in common?? Both are completely harmless until you put them in your mouth and set them on fire

    1. Doreensfree
    2. Stewie


      Well its...its....its true....

  22. What do hamsters and cigarettes have in common?? Both are completell

  23. Every time I see this thread I crave a fried spam sandwich...

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