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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. I always tell Newbies All roads lead to Rome..just get your arse there.. The patch may work for you ,we have had quitters use it ,as long as you stick to the correct dosage. But there will come a day you still have to go it alone .. In my 52 years of smoking career. I tried every quit plan known to man ,costing me tons of money .. This plan of making the desision ,to never smoke again ..No matter what And never putting nicotine in my body ever ..worked My addictive brain understood this . You can do it ..your no more addicted to anyone else here .
  2. Closet smoking .. What a way to spend every day .. On tender hooks.. nerves shot,always waiting for that precious moment you can have your fix This is agony.. Quitting is not as hard as this .. Once you have made that decision never to smoke again ..ever . It becomes easier .. What have you got to lose to try, Nothing But you can gain so much ..
  3. LOF Your a wonderful Non Smoker . All you have to do is stay that way Easy to say..sometimes tricky.. But nothing you carnt handle Your stronger than a thought ..
  4. -8
  5. Ya ..thars much easier for you Jillar Hoping for a good result
  6. Newbies . Make sure you watch these ..it was a life changer for me!
  7. Well done Robin.. Your doing great
  8. The Tabacco Companies work very hard to make sure the poor smoker stay,s hooked . They are adding new chemicals all the time .. They don't care how many good folk they are killing ,it all about profit. I promised never to give them another penny of my hard earned money ..!!
  9. Congratulations Sharonsiff to the Decade Party.. Hope your having a great Smoke free life ..
  10. Robin .. Sorry to read you smoked. Sounds like you still believe cigerettes do something for you .. Read read read everything on our main board ,watch joel,s video,s. You need to stay closer to the board ,so we can help you through . We have a SOS..we carnt help if you won't let us.. Get back on the train ,take your sest And stay buckled up .. You can do it !!!
  11. -7
  12. -7
  13. -7
  14. -6
  15. I brought the 5 dvd whole clinic The Easy Way .. Having it play through head phones It sunk in more than the book for me ..
  16. -12
  17. Congratulations SP.. You smashed that month .. So glad you found us .. Upwards and Onwards
  18. -11
  19. We are gtting these shocking scenes in the UK.. Stay safe folks .
  20. Congratulations on your Fabulous 7 years Smoke Free
  21. -7
  22. Congratulations ..1 Month yaaa Hope you are soon on the mend
  23. -13
  24. Yaaa 11 months... Congratulations O ...the Lido Deck Is in your sights .. Party Time ..
  25. -14..Now where we lol..

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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