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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. -10
  2. Ooo..we are off on holiday again..I need to pack...you sure know how to keep a gal busy... Is it bikini..suntan lotion..floppy hat...or...mountain boots ,fishing rod...dungerees ...?????
  3. -11..Morning lovely peeps !!!
  4. No more going into those horrible smoking rooms airports have...so gross.. Even as a smoker I couldn't stay in there for long..now I've quit..I know how bad that stink is..my clothes must have smelt really bad..yuk yuk !!!
  5. There can never be too much support..both boards can benieft by your knowledge.. Helping folks rid themselves from this killer addiction is why we are here..x
  6. Newbies can always use support..upwards and onwards ..x
  7. Get it checked out by your GP..he can advise you properly... Xx
  8. A big fat Monday NOPE !!
  9. -16
  10. -14
  11. -12
  12. -10
  13. -8
  14. Whahaha..
  15. Wow I've only just found this .. It was bad timing for the board to go down right at your big party Edna..I can understand your disappointment.. Not to spend that day with all the folks you have traveled along with.. Those that arrived here ,and the quit train did our best with the short notice we had.. To make your day special No hard feelings..come back as often as you wish.. Keeping the quit is the most important thing ..xx
  16. -7
  17. -6
  18. -5
  19. -3
  20. Sorry to hear this feely... Can you do something nice today..some TLC...a nice long soak..go buy a little treat.. Anything that will remind you , What a fabulous life changing thing your doing.. You could also try some deep breathing excersises... You tube is full of them... Keep posting..support is so important...
  21. -1
  22. At least you know where it is..not like the kind folks who let thier dogs poop..and just walk away.. My Ted..is very fussy with his box...
  23. 1 hi Nancy xx
  24. Feely I had been a smoker near my whole life too...but having a life without those dam things is far better..Keep marching..the magic will happen ..x
  25. Wow..you had me going there for a minute !! I never had any smoking dreams ..but alot of us peeps do... What a relief to know it was only a dream.. Look at the fabulous ticker...nearly 2 weeks..

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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