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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Just for today..NOPE !!
  2. I didn,t know what it would feel like to be a adult and not smoke.. I had to train myself to do all tasks ,and live day to day without my little fix I love my smoke free life..I'm free...after being enslaved for 52 years.....
  3. There is a town in France called condom....I'm glad I don't have to say I come from there..
  4. Feel sorry for him..he just doesn,t know..how bad the smell is... I had no idea until I quit...x
  5. -11
  6. Very nice stewpot ...xx
  7. In France it's legal to marry a dead person...just make sure thier rich LMAO...
  8. Great post parsley.. I can still remember how my fingers had that horrible stale nicotine smell..so gross...
  9. -5
  10. I went to portugal for a holiday last year.. The Algarve...I had a great time..people are lovely...x
  11. Men are 6 time more likely to be struck by lightening than women...phew ..that good..
  12. -5
  13. Don't worry most of us gained weight..after a while it does settle..Then suddenly losing weight is more important than smoking... I'm now back to the weight I was when I was puffing my head off..x
  14. Me too..I would never go more than one pack..because that might have been bad for my health..Oh the thinking of a addict..junkie thinking
  15. They say they are trying to make it harder for the younger generation to buy them..Casual smokers are saying ..now they are being forced to buy more... I didn't buy pkts of 10...thankfully now I don't buy any at all...
  16. The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine.....
  17. Happy birthday... Enjoy your day xx
  18. From tonight packs of 10 cigarettes are banned..they will only be sold in packs of 20.. This has been met with some angry smokers..who say..it will encourage people to smoke more..
  19. -20..in the back on the net !!!
  20. -18
  21. Congrats to our pix..I'm so happy and proud for you.. 2 months is very cool..xxx
  22. -16
  23. This is wonderful news feely...a great reason to stay quit forever..xx
  24. Viagra,when dissolved in water,can make cut flowers stay erect for up to a week longer,than they normally would... Just sayin !!!

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