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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. -2
  2. 1
  3. 3
  4. 4 go and look properly
  5. We both smoked all our adult life..so in reality it could have been me..but what if... You smoked and your partner didn't..??????? All your dreams of having a nice retirement together is now a thing of the past.. Your other half can not do all those things either..? They have to spend all their time caring for your needs..you both become housebound.. No Quit while your ahead..that way you know for sure ..you have happy days ahead...x
  6. 3 cheats..
  7. ^^^^^ this !!!!!..this is how I did it ...
  8. I think this guy comes in sometimes ,just to give the chicks a slapping...
  9. Your half way there Dee..well done..keep climbing..
  10. Huge congrats...keep going..x
  11. how to use print screen Way to go !!!!!
  12. Doreensfree


    adult picture hosting I will let you off this time..!!!!!
  13. Ok George ...Go to the main page here on the quit train... You will see as you scroll down .The daily NOPE thread... This is where you pledge every day... Let me know if you have difficulty finding it ..
  14. Doreensfree


    picture hosting Oh I will ..I Will..no worries...I bag front seat..this sounds fun !!!!
  15. Wow.!!!...the lido deck is in your sights..congratulations...
  16. I posted this two years ago.. Tony was actually too sick to have some of his lung removed..where is he at today... Housebound.. Full time carers Respite care Unable to do even the simplest task... You sure you want to throw away your quit..?????????????
  17. Don't forget your pledge G !!! Best place to start each day...a promise not to smoke today ..x
  18. Thanks R!!!...didn't know this....
  19. Doreensfree


    upload photo I'm ready !!!!...got my life jacket..my sandwiches... My lipstick...my hairdryer... Show me a good time !!!!
  20. image hosting services NOPE !!!!
  21. Happy birthday...enjoy !!!
  22. Doreensfree


    Oh he is..he is..he does..he's my darling...he's learned me so much ... I'm not sure though..if he asks me along..so I can cook the sausages on Godzilla... And put the tent up...and look out for a Eddy...he's my friend...and I would do all that..
  23. Doreensfree


    He's a big boy for his mom..and I think christening in the river...
  24. -1

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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