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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. What a brilliant post..love it ...love it.. After smoking my way through 5 decades..my quit was never going to be ..A Walk In The Park !!!! I hung around with the good folks here..sometimes nearly 24 hrs a day.. I listened,to all the advice offered...taking it minute by minute some days... I knew there was no turning back..i had fought to hard..just to throw it all away.. Then one day..it was as if a light bulb had been switched on ,in my brain..I got it.. Fight...fight this monster...
  2. -8..aye aye..
  3. https://youtu.be/drkVazS8yUI A song for you ..while your on the river...
  4. -8
  5. Well done feely... I know this has been hard going for you..keep climbing ...
  6. Congrats tree top...not long now !!!
  7. -10
  8. Wow..that was hard work ...
  9. -8
  10. Hi and welcome JK !!!!! Glad you decided to take your seat on this freedom train... The internet can be your friend and enemy too...if your worried about your health in any way..going to see the doctor is much safer.. Quitting smoking can only help you health wise..it's effects on the body is damaging in parts you would never think of. Keep reading knowledge about this addiction is the best way of fighting it.. We have here to support you ..but you have to put the effort in to your quit.. The first step ..is Take smoking off the table ..no matter what is going on ... Taking the daily pledge... Looking forward to getting to know you better..x
  11. Have a great day ..xxxx
  12. Hey George...yes you...where are you ??? You know you want to quit..you have health concerns...continuing to smoke will only add to these.. You can do it...if I did..I know you can.. Come- on throw those killer things in the bin..and come and join us here..
  13. Bump for Kenzie
  14. The week is such a roller coaster of a ride..your free of nicotine now..well done ... But your brain has some way to go..it has to learn your a non smoker now.. Fight through it Kenzie..this is how you will free yourself.. Keep reading here..knowledge..understand this horrible addiction... If you havnt read Allen Carr the Easy Way ..please taken the time to read this fabulous book.. It's help millions and most of us too.. You can read it free on line.. Keep pushing on..it really does get better..x
  15. -6
  16. -4
  17. I bought this little chap when I had saved enough in my quit cig jar..
  18. How ya doin Sez ????????
  19. Up and onwards Jules !!! I'm in the U.K...ya all our cigfs are hidden now ,even in supermarkets..all the same packaging .. With bad grafic pictures..I am so thankful I quit..and so will you ...I promise...
  20. -4
  21. Good to see you gem...x
  22. SmokeFree the lido deck is on the horizon...how exciting !!!!
  23. Well done..you smashed that first month !!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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