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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Have a great day...
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  2. -4 morning quit train..
  3. Don't be fooled Nellie... Deep down every one of those smokers would love to be quit like you ...they are still stuck in thier addiction !!!
  4. DD..you my friend ..are quite something..running the water takes me time these days..high five gal !!!!
  5. HN... We don't call it Hell Week for nothing...the only way through this fight...this is the worst it will never get... Keep reading here..till your eyes bleed..all the help is here... Have you read Allen Carr the Easy Way..he has wrote a book that has help millions..most of us too... You can read it free on line.. I bought it on CD..and put it on my I pod and listened to it heaps...would strongly advice to seek him out.. Just keep busy. Being short tempered is very common..but it does pass..your body is coming through some massive adjustment .. Be patient..once I accepted this ..it helped ..oh and my punching pillow..lol...
  6. DD and myself..have give the sticks..a dam good thrashing !!!!!
  7. -20..great team work .x
  8. -18..oh it's in my hand already !!
  9. -16..shall we go for a stick slap ???
  10. -14
  11. -12
  12. -10 Wow...your so good at that...maybe a pic !!!
  13. -8..what colour jen ???
  14. -3...all the sticks gone for a beer !!
  15. Now R!!!....a lady never tells either !!!!
  16. Upwards and onwards...
  17. I've had a little practice with a paddle lately..
  18. Jules..have I read that right you havnt had a poop since 16 May ..????????????? You need to see the poop doctor...or but some dynamite my friend... And give us some warning so we can back away ..
  19. -1
  20. Get in line sticks...who,s first for a good slapping !!!!
  21. -20.yaaaaaaaaa...HI DD...great win ..
  22. -18
  23. Newbies...get yourself a ticker...on the top of the main board you will find how to do this..? They are fun...its great to see your days clock up...and the amount of cigs not smoked...and Seeing all those lovely dollars you are saving adding up... This has been a major tool ikn my toolbox ..x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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