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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Lol...look at all the great stuff you missed..
  2. Come back soon ,and tell us how you are getting along
  3. -1 morning ..
  4. It's all temporary... Keep marching..soon things will settle down... This is the worst it can get .. I smoked 52 years..oh my ..my body went berserk...but I came here and listened..to all the advice... Soon enough ,things started to improve. Now..never felt so good ..smoking makes you feel your under a black cloud ,pressing you down.. Freedom means ...your are truly free...no clouds...
  5. You should feel very proud and happy ,you my friend have done something millions of folks would long to do .. Me..I feel very proud every day..and thankful..I found this place ,and I had the strength to quit for good.. Freedom is the most awarding feeling ever... Are you rewarding yourself.???...treats ..they are so important..what your achieving is so Amazin.. So you need to recognise This with rewards..it can be little .doesn't matter..as long as it's a reward... We will always give you a big pat on the back ..
  6. It was the best.!!!
  7. Oh sticks you must be black and blue whahahaha...
  8. -20...that's 3 in a row for the chicks Good work DD x
  9. -18
  10. -16
  11. Who remembers these. Post your favourite memories !!!!
  12. -14 ..funny R!!!...you trying to divert us ?????
  13. -10
  14. -9 ditto
  15. Wow..this has gone so fast...keep marchin !!!!!
  16. R!! Is right.. Turn all the negatives into positives...soon life will be wonderful..you,will have Freedom..!!!
  17. You have to put your whole self in.. Not one arm ...or one leg....100/per cent of you...
  18. 1 year with this club..and Sam the Man gets player of the year..what a guy !!!!
  19. -8.aww.
  20. Every day ..is taking you close to freedom.... Take it one minute at a time if need be... Give yourself a big pat on the back..what your achieving is Amazing.!!!!
  21. High five newbies !!!
  22. -6..DD..you up late ..or up ubber early sweetheart .????

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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