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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. I also know folks who carry it around with them all day..puff on it all day... I suppose it's the same as cigarettes some can just smoke smoke 1,2,3.a day..while other folk smoke 3 packs a day.. Even those who manage to smoke a couple a day.they are still smokers.. I'm so grateful I didn't swop one kind addiction for another. I wouldn't have another 52 years left to vape..lol...
  2. -17
  3. -15
  4. -13
  5. -11..soooo...sonic sneaked in and out ..
  6. Yes same addiction..but the journey can be different .... Some take the nice and pleasant scenic view..some travel the up hill route.. All roads lead to Rome...just get there...
  7. -12
  8. It's that little nico monster trying to lure you back in..its the drug,S nature ..the only way to kill it.. Is to starve it until it dies.. There is NO such thing as !! Just One !!...we are addicts.. Once you introduce the drug back into your body.. The monster will be reborn..he will want more..until your back to square one... Starve him out...he's on his way out...x
  9. Bat and sonic..have you been in the same cave.. Someone save us ...
  10. Well done ..keep going ..
  11. Well done Nellie..you smashed that ..now for heck week..
  12. -10
  13. -8
  14. -7..morning Joe..how's mum and babe ..xx
  15. Feel free to join me !!!
  16. HN.. Keep climbing just for today... Miracles do mhappen ..8 days..this is brilliant...feel proud and don't forget the rewards.. A little something to remind you..of how flippin wonderful you are !!!!
  17. -7
  18. That's so true..don't feed the little monster ,he will soon die... He knows already he's in trouble...x
  19. -5
  20. -5
  21. It sure does.A ticker is another tool ,in your toolbox..its a boost watching the money saved grow. Plus knowing just how many cancer cigs you have avoided....x

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