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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. 8. I need more chicks...
  2. I havnt seen you post in a few days.?or have I missed something ???
  3. 8 hey..
  4. What !!!36 plus coffee a day...wow...coffee addiction.lol..mind you..I could easy have eaten 36 sausages LOL..
  5. 8..aww.fabulous..xx
  6. https://youtu.be/7Piv4vgqqF8 Only 1 team for me of course..and one place... The Kop !!!!
  7. 6..yawn..hi Joe ..how's mama and babe doing ...x
  8. 6 again !!!
  9. It's funny same addiction ,but we find quitting so different between us... I had nice long baths with fragrance candles ..very relaxing...I know we keep saying ..it does get better.. But it really does.. Fight your way through it.. One day you will suddenly notice.. You have felt good that day.. I drank alot of boiled water with a slice of lemon...still do...good for the inside...as well as the outside... Keep posting..were here to help ...xxx
  10. 4
  11. 6...ground hog day for me !!!
  12. I agree ,take pleasure in knowing you are nicotine free...after so many years.. ??? Well done..a great feeling..I was the opposite didn't sleep at all..I was her 24/7... It does settle...your body ..is a little confused just now ..x
  13. In my 52 year addiction to cigarettes.. I tried to quit thousands of times..but I know know where and what went wrong.. I wasn't truly invested 100/per cent...I had half of me in..and half of me out.. This last quit..I knew I felt different ,I knew this was the one..my whole self in... I didn't have enough knowledge.. I didn't understand addiction..why I was ,and stayed hooked... This is why we say educate yourself..read all you can... This truly was my last chance..no more excuses..when you are faced with that decision..it all becomes alot clearer. My advice to everyone ..quit before the S***T hits the fan...because one day it will ...and it just might be too late.. It's really doesn't matter how many failed tries you have had..just make this one count...!!!!
  14. Don't leave it too late to quit...then whether you are relaxed..won't matter ..
  15. https://youtu.be/F_VjVqe3KJ0
  16. Taking sides..I could go that way...or there again ..I could go this way...
  17. 6..morning lovely peeps !!!
  18. Brilliant...it is the most rewarding thing you can do ...Freedom !!!!! I still get a huge feeling of achievement about all this time...you will too...
  19. Well done Holly..this is how its done..Winning your battles..one by one... Then one day you reolize....you have won your war ..!!!!!
  20. Keep marchin..half way to a month ..
  21. 6

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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