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Everything posted by Doreensfree

  1. Oh.this is not what I was thinking at all....these in my pants...no chance...try duct tape...on the hems..
  2. -2..morning all non smoking peeps ...
  3. -1
  4. Congrats ...a great quit..
  5. Quitting.. It helps our bodies..in ways we never thought of.... Some of the beniefts show almost right away..one of the biggest things I notice is the boost of energy I have.. I can do more now ..than I could 20 years ago... Be patient itnwillmstart to get better... Well done jewel...
  6. Go chicks...poor sad sticks..losers !!!!
  7. -20...yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. Well done chicks !!!!
  8. -18
  9. Way to go Dee.. So happy for you ..xx
  10. 5 years is a brilliant achievement...you have been a big part of my quit too..leading the way... This place just wouldn't be the same without our babs... Hugs xxxx
  11. To be honest..I havnt either..I was thinking it was like a midgy... Maybe the sarge..or boo.might know..they are our two Bear Grylls...does sucking poison out need to be done... If so ..ask a close friend ...
  12. -17..morning..
  13. Natural yoghurt..it takes all the sting out ...poor you ...
  14. Your doing great Jewel... In the early days ..all I managed was shouting NOPE all day..that and... Take smoking off the table..I understood this..this addict is not to smoke no matter what was happening.. Keep climbing the rope ..x
  15. -15.too late !!!!
  16. -15..it's evening.. So having a coffee..and a dunky biscuit... In and out of here..xx
  17. Smoking was aloud on the wards when I had my babies.. The ash tray was by the bed.....I'm so angry now...my little tiny dots lungs were subject to a ward of smoking mothers.. Huge regret...
  18. -15..hi boo boo..you OK...
  19. Good to hear you got some rest... Get yourself some nice strong mouth wash...I promise you Will love that nice clean taste.. Your tongue will turn nice and pink ,and healthy looking, instead of white furry gunk... After 3 days all the nicotine will have left your body...how great is that... Good things ahead...

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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